2007-06-09 05:33:39淨焚

Newborn Bear

pupupu~I’m useing PC at Mt. sac computer lab right now.
I can’t change the language...= = so~let’s practice English~

Actually...I’m fine these days.
Before I got some fucking hard cheese(I’ll explain it naxt time, cuz my dictionary has no power...= ="),BUT!!! right now...

I care nothing about unmeaning people and things.

I don’t have rich background, I have to take care of myself, I have to change my shortcoming, I have too much hard work to do in my life........., SO!! I have no time to waste for "nothing."

I’m happy. I’m happy. I’m happy.
I finish many works every day and remember to brush my teeth befor going to bed. pupu...

I miss u guys so much~(who? u know...)
so I’ll come back to Taiwan on 8/3!!
see u~Chu>///<

上一篇:速打近況part 2!


pig 2007-06-18 03:55:30

have a nice trip there..

pineapple 2007-06-12 19:04:48



aki 2007-06-10 00:44:07

OK, see you then.