For those new to the Chinese, tea set, Tea-shops

The Tea Set  

The Taiwanese love their tea, and it shows. Tea-shops are a common sight, filled with silver barrels of tea-leaves and dozens of brown-clay tea sets.
Traditional brown-clay tea sets come in many shapes and qualities. A set usually includes a teapot, cups and a container with a lid, which is used to collect discarded tea-leaves. 台灣人愛茶,也看的出來. 到處看到茶店,裡面有裝著茶葉的銀筒和好幾打的陶土茶具組. 傳統土色的陶土茶具組,有許多的形狀與品質. 一組茶具組通常包含一個茶壺,幾個杯子,一個有蓋子的容器,用來裝要丟掉的茶葉.

For those new to the Chinese tea tradition, selecting a tea set involves choosing a design that appeals to you. However, connoisseurs will look more closely at the quality of the clay, the thinness of the crockery and how long it will take for the tea to "flavor" the teapot. 對
第一次接觸傳統中國茶的人,選擇一個茶具組,牽涉到哪個設計吸引你. 然而行家會仔細看陶土的品質,陶器的厚薄度,以及需要多少時間,讓茶來”()壺.
