NUK Baby Powder under investigation in China來源:北京晚報


20090404 21:20:15  來源:北京晚報 


 German NUK baby powder under investigation in China  2009-04-05 20:50:47


    BEIJING, April 5 (Xinhua) -- The NUK baby powder, which allegedly contains forbidden ingredient, is under investigation and off shelf, said The General Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (GAQSIQ) here Sunday.


    It is reported that the Korean authorities tested 30 baby powders and found 12 contained carcinogen asbestos, including the well-known NUK baby powder of German.


    Suzhou Debao Baby Supplies Co., Ltd., NUK's general agent in China, imported 11.6 tons of semi-finished product from its Korean manufacturer, Boryung Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd., from March 2008 to March 2009, said the quality supervisor.


    Debao had the semi-finished product manufactured and labeled as the NUK brand for sales in the Chinese market, it added.

    The GAQSIQ has sealed up 48 cans of NUK baby powder in Debao during its inspection of the company, and the company has notified all its dealers to pull the baby powder off shelf.







    石棉可以通過呼吸係統進入人體,如果皮膚上有傷口,就可能通過傷口進入人體。嬰幼兒爽身粉檢測出石棉是由原料滑石所致。滑石是礦物質中的一種,它與含有共同埋藏在地下,因而在自然形態下常常含有石棉成分。正因為如此,美國和歐洲等發達國家規定,2005年以後嬰幼兒製品中禁止使用滑石。昨天,記者注意到「NUK嬰幼兒爽身粉」的包裝上明確標注了主要成分為「天然滑石粉」。(單蕓 鄒娟)