2008-11-30 14:42:41Miss Betty





1. Do they already know at least one language? (Another Language)
   基本上沛沛是外省人 除了母語國語之外 第二語言就是英文了!
   但由於本身非常喜歡social 所以硬要說自己也會台語 日語 韓語 法語等等
   不過據我對他的了解 每種應該只會說一句而已= =

2. Are they cognitively mature? Are they able to engage in problem solving,
    deduction, and complex tasks? (Cognitive maturity)
    在學習語言過程中 當然也會遇到很多的難題 在遇到這些難題的時候
    沛沛會上網查詢資訊 或是問一些上課的老師  總之就是要知道正確的答案就是
    在這方面來說 沛沛算是個相當主動的同學呀

3. How well developed is their metalinguistic awareness?
    Can they define a word, say what sounds make up that word,
    or state a rule such as "add an – s to form the plural"? (Meatlinguistic awareness)
    在多語系理解力的這個部分 沛沛算是比較弱的 就拿台語來說好了
    可能他會說一些 可是聽的方面 速度如果加快或是使用到比較艱深的字詞
    他就會整句都聽不懂 不過就會開使瘋狂問是什麼意思

4. How extensive is their general knowledge of the world?
    Does this know-ledge enable them to make good guesses about
    what a second language interlocutor is probably saying? (World knowledge)
    這次找了一篇有關於美國總統歐巴馬的文章 以正常的速度唸 
    大致上來說他聽的懂在說歐巴馬 但是一些詳細的內容 沛沛誠實的說:我不懂...

5. Are they likely to be anxious about making mistakes and concerned about
    sounding “silly” when speaking the language? (Anxiety about speaking)
    沛沛是不太會介意別人的看法 他始終覺得就算說錯了也沒關係
    但是就是要勇敢的說出口 學英文就是要敢講

6. Does the learning environment allow them to be silent in the early stages of learning,
    or are they expected to speak from the beginning? (Freedom to be silent)
    基本上來說在任何的環境下 沛沛都是選擇會開口說的
    並不會因為對象不同而不說 而這是他的特色

7. Do they have plenty of time available for language learning plenty of contact with
    proficient speakers of the language? (Ample time)
    沛沛有空檔時間就會閱讀一些英文的文章 但是並不多

8. Do they frequently receive CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK when they make errors
    in grammar or pronunciation, or do listeners usually overlook these errors and pay attention
    to the meaning? {Corrective feedback (grammar and pronunciation)}
    對於一些文法的觀念 沛沛可以說是觀念相當的不清楚 所以說現在有在補習班
    加強自己的文法 不過才剛起步 而發音他較沒有所謂太大的問題
    也不排斥別人糾正他的發音 對他而言 矯正正確的發音他是很開心的

9. Do they receive corrective feedback when their meaning is not clear, when they use the
    wrong word, or when they say something inappropriate or impolite?
    會糾正他的發音多屬朋友之間 且沛沛也有些在國外讀書的同學會告訴他 真不錯

10. Is MODIFIED INPUT available? That is, do interlocutors adapt their speech so that
      learners can understand (e.g., in terms of speed of delivery, complexity of grammatical structure,
      or vocabulary?
     遇到不會的問題一定會請教身邊的老師朋友 或者是上網找正確的資訊


此次的訪談花了將近3個多小時 雖然大多數的時間也是在聊天

(聽說下次是last one??!!!).....
to be continued.........

