2007-10-19 21:15:07練習英文俱樂部

An accident that ou were in

  I can not remember the day the accident happened, but it really scared me. That day after school, I went home and finished what I should do liketaking a bath and doing homework. Then i asked my mother if I could go to my father’sfactory to play computer games and my mother agreed. So I got on my bike and went on the way to my father’s factory.
It was a little bi far away from my home to factory, so I rode very fast.It was dangerous to do so but I really wanted to play computer games.After about ten minutes, Ihad to turn left at the next bolck bu I suddenly saw an old man cross the road and I couln’t stop my bike, so the old man was hit by my bike and I fell from down to th ground. Because I didn’t hurt at all so I got up quickly and checked the old man is all right. But H seemed to hurt badly because he even couldn’t stand up by himself. So I called an ambulance and police. After a while, the ambulance and cops are arrived , the ambulance took the old man away and police asked me to go to the police station. They give me a punished of paying 20000dollars for riding too fast and hurt an old man.
  Luckily, the old man was alive and discovered very fast.But I will never rode fast.