2009-03-16 23:19:52白行
Lonely Planet眼中的香港,和它所認識的王家衛
我是十分喜歡讀Lonely Planet的。旅途時它既可是工具書,在車上有時則是枕頭,在餐廳或酒吧是消遣的讀物,迷路時它其實沒什作用,翻開Lonely Planet只是條件反射的動作。
我是十分喜歡讀Lonely Planet的。在不是旅途的時候,我會在書店或圖書館中翻下介紹不同地區的Lonely Planet,看看那幾頁碩果僅存的圖片,然後發覺這世界幾乎沒有一個地方我是不想去的。有更深興趣的話,我會看看When to Go及 Cost & Money兩個section,那已代表我想知道When should I go及 How much I need to spend。
去過的地方,我也會去看有關的Lonely Planet,包括自己身處的香港。我喜歡讀Lonely Planet 介紹當地文化,膚淺得來卻有警句,在2008年版本的Lonely Planet – China,它這樣介紹香港︰
“If Hong Kong was a person, she’d be a difficult woman to understand. She’d be constantly changing, without losing touch with her heritage… She’d be exotic, but familiar; sexy, but never easy; a gambler, but she’d always know the odds…”
Lonely Planet眼中的香港,比張愛玲更difficult。
在我心目中,我覺得Lonely Planet也有不錯的電影口味,當它讚嘆東京的六本木,也忘不了向你推介小津安二郎的東京物語。在2008年版本的Lonely Planet – China,它稱成龍為“gravity-defying”,吳宇森則是 “Master of Slow Motion & Ultra-violence”,然後用了一整段談王家衛。在這本Lonely Planet – China,當它用了三段去談灣仔及銅鑼灣,卻用了一整段去談王家衛。
”Wong Kar Wai is famous for his edgy camera work and inventive, atmospheric storytelling”. Edgy一字猶勝阿飛正傳中那帶點病態如青苔的一片綠色;當梁朝偉無故地出現,電影又無故地完結, inventive及atmospheric二字用得何其傳神,Lonely Planet 唯獨誤以為這是Storytelling而已。
“Chunking Express made Wong a household name and is considered a remarkable portrayal urban life.” 相信只有Lonely Planet才會如此親切地稱王家衛是一個家傳戶曉的名字。
“In the Mood for Love and 2046 are mood-saturated pieces about almost-lovers caught in a web of isolation and longing.” Mood-saturated! 原來那份欲罷不能的愛慾滿瀉得要把它放進柬埔寨的樹洞,但蘇麗珍還有說「我們不能像他們」的本事。這是Almost-lover的本事,In the Mood for Love卻非關愛情。
“If Hong Kong was a person, she’d be a difficult woman to understand. She’d be constantly changing, without losing touch with her heritage… She’d be exotic, but familiar; sexy, but never easy; a gambler, but she’d always know the odds…”
我是十分喜歡讀Lonely Planet的。在不是旅途的時候,我會在書店或圖書館中翻下介紹不同地區的Lonely Planet,看看那幾頁碩果僅存的圖片,然後發覺這世界幾乎沒有一個地方我是不想去的。有更深興趣的話,我會看看When to Go及 Cost & Money兩個section,那已代表我想知道When should I go及 How much I need to spend。
去過的地方,我也會去看有關的Lonely Planet,包括自己身處的香港。我喜歡讀Lonely Planet 介紹當地文化,膚淺得來卻有警句,在2008年版本的Lonely Planet – China,它這樣介紹香港︰
“If Hong Kong was a person, she’d be a difficult woman to understand. She’d be constantly changing, without losing touch with her heritage… She’d be exotic, but familiar; sexy, but never easy; a gambler, but she’d always know the odds…”
Lonely Planet眼中的香港,比張愛玲更difficult。
在我心目中,我覺得Lonely Planet也有不錯的電影口味,當它讚嘆東京的六本木,也忘不了向你推介小津安二郎的東京物語。在2008年版本的Lonely Planet – China,它稱成龍為“gravity-defying”,吳宇森則是 “Master of Slow Motion & Ultra-violence”,然後用了一整段談王家衛。在這本Lonely Planet – China,當它用了三段去談灣仔及銅鑼灣,卻用了一整段去談王家衛。
”Wong Kar Wai is famous for his edgy camera work and inventive, atmospheric storytelling”. Edgy一字猶勝阿飛正傳中那帶點病態如青苔的一片綠色;當梁朝偉無故地出現,電影又無故地完結, inventive及atmospheric二字用得何其傳神,Lonely Planet 唯獨誤以為這是Storytelling而已。
“Chunking Express made Wong a household name and is considered a remarkable portrayal urban life.” 相信只有Lonely Planet才會如此親切地稱王家衛是一個家傳戶曉的名字。
“In the Mood for Love and 2046 are mood-saturated pieces about almost-lovers caught in a web of isolation and longing.” Mood-saturated! 原來那份欲罷不能的愛慾滿瀉得要把它放進柬埔寨的樹洞,但蘇麗珍還有說「我們不能像他們」的本事。這是Almost-lover的本事,In the Mood for Love卻非關愛情。
“If Hong Kong was a person, she’d be a difficult woman to understand. She’d be constantly changing, without losing touch with her heritage… She’d be exotic, but familiar; sexy, but never easy; a gambler, but she’d always know the odds…”
下一篇:羽田澄子 - 《早池峰之賦》
我會去買幾本Lonely Planet來看