2005-02-17 18:40:20小彥


  以下為一封與美國Whittier College 哲學系的 Dr.Paul Kjellberg(註)討論鵝湖月刊標題英譯的書信。對於已經許久沒有用英文寫作的我而說,這是一個新的嘗試,而書信內容一定有不少的語法錯誤。將之刊載於此,作為一個標誌,願我自己在語文能力方面能有所長進:

Dear Prof. Kjellberg:

Thanks for your help, which made the work better. Basically, I adopt your suggestions, all of them are really good ideas and make me learn more about what’s proper in such work. I think that you could check them while the newly issue (also see the attachment). There are some details I want to consult and discuss with you:

01.The term ”忠恕” your translated as “loyalty and sympathy”, I consult Arthur Waley’s The Analects of Confucius(1938), Waley translated the term as ”loyalty and Consideration”(see p.105). I think that “Consideration”, which means ” not doing to them anything one would not like to have done to oneself ” , could more approximate to the meaning of ”恕”, so I change “Sympathy” to ”Consideration”. Both you and Waley translated “忠” as “Loyalty”. In my opinion, ”Loyalty” may possibly be used as ”loyalty to the superior”, while ”忠” could have much more signification, such as ”do one’s best”(盡己) in Chinese. Actually, ”do one’s best” could be the probable meaning in the context of Primordial Confucianism, and “Loyalty” could be the derivation of “忠”, especially after Han Dynasty. I want to consult you if there is any other English words more fit with “忠” and”恕”.

02.As for the Title” 康德道德符徵論之剖析”, after checking the author’s essay,「符徵」(”fu-cheng”)is corresponding to ”Type”(“Typus” in German). Kant used “type” when he discussed the universality or uniformity of moral law. Shortly, for Kant, moral law should be as universal, there is some analogy between them, and the later could be seen as the ”type”(Typus) of the former. For this reason, I refer to your ideas and then translate this title into” An Analysis of Immanuel Kant’s Type of Moral Law”.

There are many difficulties in translation, which partly could due to the different backgrounds of cultures; therefore many questions of it are still left open, including those above. Since my English is not good enough, there could be some misunderstanding, errors or Chinese- style in my work and letter. Hope that we could make this work better through monthly (even usually) communication and discussion. If possible, you could point out the mistakes in structure or grammar any time. Thanks.

With Best Wishes

Yours truly, 02172005
