2019-12-30 20:28:23聖天使

陀彌天 紫竹林寺*彌勒天使團---福音見證 (194)


神蹟見證、天國樣貌、心靈悸動。 這裡是見證天國存在的一群人,  
以天眼所觀、我見我聞, 與您分享生活在天國的喜悅。

My journey towards an improved health, Spiritually and Physically (Writer:Beh Yuan Sheng;dharma name:Ren Cheng)


Back in the days, my back had gradually become stiffer over the years. I could not squat down easily nor sit down on a stool or a soft couch because getting up on my feet would just need extra efforts. Since then, I had to avoid staircases whenever possible and accept this issue as an aging problem, which I lived with it for some time. When I lie down, I felt like one of my vertebrae cracked with a sharp pain. There is a feel like a bone or nerve (I do not know which) is about to snap. Interestingly, I slept well. During that time, my Fitbit monitor indicated that I often get into a long deep sleep quickly. I did not recall myself dreaming too much in my sleeps; but occasionally, I would wake up in the morning with a painful leg cramp.


One year ago, I came across several videos on YouTube and Facebook on subjects related to ‘supernatural capabilities’. I was intrigued by the contents those videos shares: the abilities to read/view objects and write notes while blindfolded, impact and influence on one individual from meditation, the sixth sense, the enhancement of mental capabilities, some out-of-body experience, the ability to see images or figures from other dimensions, and much more. There are thousands of articles, videos and researches on these subjects published by individuals, universities and different organizations. Overall, there seemed to be an alignment on describing the capabilities of the “third eye.”


I later enrolled into a class called “Celestial Wisdom” at Maitreya Academy in Taipei. One day in a practice lesson, my partner/classmate told the class about him being defeated by a little “red-eye devil” that jumped out of my body. Our teacher told the class that I have some karma issues and suggested that I seek help from Emperor Maitreya, Mr. Chen Jin Lung.

後來我在臺北彌勒皇學院參加了一個名為“第三眼智慧”的課程。一天,在一堂練習課上,我的搭檔/同學告訴全班同學,他被一個從我身體裏跳出來的“紅眼惡魔”打敗了。我們的老師告訴全班同學,我有一些因果報應的問題,建議我向 彌勒皇佛*陳金龍先生尋求幫助。

This process consists of four steps. Firstly, we would declare our faith to Namo Exalting Empress Maitreya Guanyin (Goddess of Mercy); Secondly, Spiritual Purifying treatment will be performed by Emperor Maitreya Mr. Chen Jin Lung; after that, we would change our name in alignment with the nature of our origin being, also known as “Yuan-Shen (Primordial Essence)”; Lastly, we would continue to enhance and strengthen our Spirit by reading books published by Maitreya Academy Library and regularly practicing Xuanyu Taiji Gong.

這個過程包括四個步驟。首先,我們向 南無 彌勒觀世音皇母(觀世音菩薩)宣示我們的信仰;其次,由 南無 彌勒皇佛陳金龍先生進行精神淨化治療;之後,我們會根據我們的本源的性質改名,也被稱為“元神(原初靈)”;最後,我們將繼續通過閱讀彌勒皇教文化出版的書籍,定期練習玄宇太極功,增强和强化我們的精神。

And I gladly accepted the suggestion.


After three to five days my spine pain disappeared. Progressively over the weeks, my lower back has loosened up. I am now able to squat down, sit and stand up with much less efforts. Over time, I was able to incrementally walk up the staircases to my 16th floor apartment.


Furthermore, I follow up with the “Buddha’s Great Hand” process, and the morning leg cramp incident never recurs.


In the end, I must give thanks to Emperor Maitreya Mr. Chen Jin Lung who brought me out of the miserable trauma I faced earlier.

最後,我要感謝 彌勒皇佛*陳金龍先生,他把我從之前痛苦的創傷中救了出來。

While regular practice of Xuanyu Taiji Gong keeps our body and spirit strong and healthy, there are immense amount of knowledge and information in Maitreya Repository we can learn to enhance our horizon and perceptions of our environment and the universe we live in.


I recently seek help from Pusa Li Sheng at Mitreya Kuala Lumpur Center. My lower legs have been darkening and open wounds began to form in some areas. Photos below showed images before (left) and 6 days after (right). The darkened part of the leg are beginning to clear up as the top layer of the skin is peeled off.



