2004-03-15 12:52:00Ariel

Wonderful Wedding

Finally i got Judy's wedding picture

Judy, you are very pretty on your wedding day ne!!
and you know what?? i think you hired the right one to do your make up. she done excellent work, covered your pimples perfectly, we couldnt even see. .....haha

All the girls were dressed wonderful on that day, like Lida, I-tien and Amy... and Me ... :-) georgeous

the baby in the picture is my God daugther,ISIS, very sweet and smart little girl, laughing all the time.

The wedding was joyful, met alot of friends who i havent met after Uni.

So, who is gonna be the next!?? nomatter who that person is, it would be wonderful.

Bless all of you

Have a great and happy day!!

