2005-08-11 17:31:33甜橙海豚~*

網絡對話...(太閒了, 複製對話...)

放學囉! 等等還有社團, 現在正在Computer room裡面... 好涼喔!
不知道要打啥, 所以就複製我和Randy的對話...

AngelDol*Cutieforeva: Hey!
Randy-stilllife: Hello, wats up?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: nth
Randy-stilllife: den?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: just greet u
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: dun wanna talk to me?
Randy-stilllife: yupp
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: RITE! Then bye!
Randy-stilllife: okay... dun be mad at me...
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: ha mad at u?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: whos mad anyways...
Randy-stilllife: u, baby
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: huh?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: me?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: no..
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: I didnt
Randy-stilllife: okay fine u didnt
Randy-stilllife: hmmm... u still at school..?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: yupp
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: i still haf CCA
Randy-stilllife: oh
Randy-stilllife: hmmm.. cheerleader?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: yupp
Randy-stilllife: Shelbie is the leader rite?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: yeah, why?
Randy-stilllife: nth, just askin’
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: sth wrong?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: I thought u know from the very beginning??
Randy-stilllife: is it?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: isnt it?
Randy-stilllife: nope, it isnt
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: Oooo, ic
Randy-stilllife: why?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: huh?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: wat y?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: complete sentance, plz
Randy-stilllife: urmm, i mean y u dun wanna b the leader
Randy-stilllife: u quite good what?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: ME?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: nannn
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: too tiring
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: I dun wanna make my life hard
Randy-stilllife: haha
Randy-stilllife: it seems difficult to trick u
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: for sure
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: im smart
Randy-stilllife: u r?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: if im not then how come i can get into the top class?
Randy-stilllife: stop showing off
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: it’s my freedom
Randy-stilllife: huh..
Randy-stilllife: rite
Randy-stilllife: my make no comment
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: okay lah....
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: I stop acting like this
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: plz...
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: I beg ur parden...
Randy-stilllife: heh, gd girl
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: thx
Randy-stilllife: urmmmm
Randy-stilllife: Angela?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: yes?
Randy-stilllife: are u free tonight?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: yupp
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: why?
Randy-stilllife: hmmm...
Randy-stilllife: do u wanna watch movie?
Randy-stilllife: urmmm
Randy-stilllife: I wanna treat u
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: WHAT!!!!!!?????????
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: oh okayz
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: can
Randy-stilllife: haha
Randy-stilllife: thx
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: its okay, what
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: no need to say "thx"
Randy-stilllife: I wanna make it more proper...
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: haha............
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: But, do u know I broke up with Hai a months ago?
Randy-stilllife: I heard abt it
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: urmmmm
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: anyway, that’s fine with me
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: I m single
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: haha....
Randy-stilllife: heh...
Randy-stilllife: urmmm, do u think....
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: yeah.... i noe, but nvm
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: it’s FINE
Randy-stilllife: heh....
Randy-stilllife: hmmm,
Randy-stilllife: orite
Randy-stilllife: I will pick u up at school?
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: okay
Randy-stilllife: haha
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: urmmm..
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: i gotta go
Randy-stilllife: okay
Randy-stilllife: cya
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: haha
AngelDol*Cutieforeva: cu later! bye~


我發現我越來越喜歡Randy了... 我到底把他當作我的誰啊...?

Anyway, 今天晚上看電影再說吧!