2009-05-20 18:39:05TEEN’S WORLD~

Boys are reli plain~

It's reli hard to communicate with boyz cuz their answers are sometimes reli reli plain that makes u wanna faint~=.=

When everytime i was chatting with my crush, his answer are always plain, even the subject is quite interesting, his answer is still as simple as an ice~

I think the best idiom to describe boyz is xxxxxxxxx~I'll just explain the meaning of it. It means like boyz are reli good at sports, but their brain is too simple that when girls are thinking abt a thing for a long time, they still couldn't get it.

It's just won't work out when u r talking to boyz(dat's just my own opinion~no offense)

However, i don't reli mean that they r reli that hard to communicate~ they r sometimes reli easy to talk with~ if u r talkin' abt a subject that he's reli interested in, he will probably give u a satisfied answer~