2009-05-20 18:25:58TEEN’S WORLD~

Let’s get crackin’~

I'm gonna write all my articles in eng.~ p.s. i'm not a native eng. speaker~just wanna practice my eng. writing~

Today, i fought with one of my best friends, but i didn't do anything that offended her! She's acting weird these days for no reason~dunno wat had happened to her~ and don't wanna ask her~ Actually, she's reli an odd person cuz she acts like a girl, but she always dresses like a boy. Wat da hell~

Anyway, i'm certain that i'm not goin' to be the one to say sorry~ Not AGAIN! It's reli annyoing to say sorry to someone when u didn't do anything wrong~

Besides, it's not my fault this time....

I just gonna hang out with my "other" friends.

I'm kinda confusing that why am i always the one to say sorry~I don't wanna do it this time~ i'm tired~if she doesn't want this friendship anymore~then forget it~ don't act like u r a "pure" girl~damn it!

To her:

U noe~ i finally knew y the boys called u 死三八 cuz u always act like a girlish girl~ but u aren't supposed to do that cuz that kind of way of acting doesn't suit u at all! I hope there's mo one that likes u cuz they would be too poor to serve u this kinda girl~