2005-06-06 20:51:29Ame.


Name: Alice Lam
Student no: 492420642
Date: 2005/6/6
English [Philosophy of life]

Topic: Discuss some of the ways to help men and women communicate better.

It’s not easy to solve the problem between men and women. They are different from each other, such as physical strength or disposition and so on. Since there have been the “treatment of women as inferiors” form thousands of years, although these idea changes as time goes by; and the female initiates a series of feminist movement, some countries still consider that men are more powerful than women and they can do the things better than women. But men never think that women are more circumspect and patient.

There is a book called Men Are from Mars Women Are from Venus, written from John Gray. This book mainly discuss about the difference between men and women, such as how men and women deal with the problems. In the article said, when the man has met the question, they can sneak in only to be able to hold in own black hole, ponders in inside calmly thought, and finds out the solution question the method. They do not need other people to help (in particular woman), wants an own person to solve. Through out the penetration explains with examples make the reader [including man and woman] understand the bilateral difference, knowing oneself and opposite party insufficiency, forgiving the opposite party and let them even more understand both sides.

Men and women are unable the well communication is because has not gone carefully has thought opposite party need; and they never try to know about what he needs or what she wants. So may people write the Very many books about both sexes’ relations and we can learn from that what the others are thinking. And may be they can know themselves better. Under historical mighty current, male and between female's communication is not good is accumulates over a long period of time. By observing carefully and reading the relevant information you can promote your communication to the opposite party.

Nobody can know the others are thinking but they can guess what they are thinking through getting along, they can penetrate some person's liking and what they are likely to do from they get along with in the daily lives. But we never know how to communicate with people, and even though men and women, boys and girls. We only can learn to communicate when we gradually grow up, so that’s why children always play with the homogeneity others. Step by step, we can be more experienced when we are growing, and become mature to realize that the secret that makes men and women, or boys and girls are easier to get on.


http://www.erickwok.net/he is a woman he is a man.htm



ps:多國語言網上百科全書.真的是什麼都有.激好用 [卑鄙地笑~]

