2005-06-06 20:57:13Ame.


Name: Alice
Student no: 492420642
Date: 2005/6/6
English [Philosophy of life]

Topic: What image does the Nobel Peace Prize give of peace? You may focus on one winner or many.

First of all, I think it depends on how that person devotes oneself to the work of maintaining peace and publicizing the big love. And he/she needs to make the great contribution so that the people who are in need of help can profit. Such as to let the lost the free people to obtain the freedom, the poor person is obtained the aid, the turmoil country can peace.

Nelson Mandela, the Former president of South Africa. Mandela had been fighting for the freedom and equality for the Africans for many years. After his retirement, he supports to the AIDS fundraising campaign. What he wants to lead south Africa to a new age of democracy although he had been prisoned for 27 years.

"I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities."

Mother Teresa also devoted her lives to help those people suffering from illness or homeless people, orphans…She has set up Missionaries of Charity, the hospice Nirmal Hriday. Although she is not the native, by reason of big love heart, she has helped many Indians. Cause them to be separated from the disease and to be impoverished.

"the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone."

Helping people is not difficult, but helping the others under the difficult condition is great difficult. Never fear the difficult to rush about for the people which are some do not know, no matter how worse the place was, she keeps on going through all the places and helps the people who are in need of help. This is the big love performance, because love is unqualified national boundary.

Aung San Suu Kyi, a nonviolent pro-democracy activist. She discards her own freedom in order to maintain justly, democracy and peace. Many times she encounters puts under house arrest, Although once is released. In order to persist own faith, or even if sees own family member, she does not give a thought to the life the danger or freedom; and still staying in Myanmar. For establishing a democratic country to offer such many is a very great matter to Aung San Suu Kyi. May be she still be put under house arrest, but she will keep on her belief.

With the examples above, the person who has big love, he/she is not fear the might and can devote himself or herself into her works in the whole life; and what they have done can influence the people in the world. So that’s why they can get the Nobel Peace Prize.





