2006-12-20 09:13:14YV





後來隨手拿到一本書,看到一頁就懂了。寫了《手札情緣》和《瓶中信》的Nicholas Sparks 有一本書叫The Weddings, 書的開頭講一個事業有成的男人逐次描述他的家人,其中一段描述他的妻子Jane。這大概就是YV 的狀況了,常常很high,從小就這樣,旁人也不知道她在high什麼!

Nicholas Sparks 的書都是暢銷書,可是這種暢銷書的好處是文字經過大量的稀釋稀釋再稀釋,對學習英語有興趣的人來講像優質水果,而內容又是harmless harmless 的情感世界,不會影響正常作息。


I’m charmed by the fact that Jane has always displayed her emotions with
childlike ease. When she’s sad she cries; when she’s happy she laughs; and
she enjoys nothing more than to be surprised with a wonderful gesture.
In those moments, there’s an ageless innocence about her, and though a
surprise by definition is unexpected, for Jane, the memories of a surprise
can arouse the same excited feelings for years afterward. Sometimes when
she’s daydreaming, I’ll ask her what she’s thinking about and she’ll
suddenly begin speaking in giddy tones about something I’ve long forgotten.
This, I must say, has never ceased to amaze me. ……
From The Wedding
By Nicholas Sparks
Warner Books
ISBN: 0-446-53245-2

LV 2006-12-27 22:37:15

我了 我了
不管是Jane們還是John們, 太常被”暗戀”也是一件很傷腦筋的事!(啊 我又跳回舊主題了)

YV to LV 2006-12-27 06:20:18

E----a-----sy, Prof. Lee!

LV 2006-12-27 02:29:41

Don’t get me wrong. But, I mean it. 應該很多人同意吧!