2006-11-12 18:29:56YV

ROB 事例

YV: Yesterday I saw a bus driver’s name--鄭郁郎. He should be a good driver, because HE IS ALL EARS!

Free: For the driver part, I have an opposite interpretation. He definitely has hearing problem for he has right ears only and the right one is the only one that is good.


YV: Free?
Free: Absolutely.
YV: Absolutely Free? Or absolutely free?
Free: Pretty much both.
YV: I never doubt about your identity. Don’t worry! I know you would never be stupid enough to leave your computer untended or pass your "true name" to others, after reading Ursula Le Guin’s works, I mean.
Free: I am reading Harry Potter
in Spanish
YV:Oh, you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO free? I thought you are quite occupied.
Free: I barely have time but I am still doing it.
I read one page a day.
But it’s most like memorizing the English version and then compare them in Spanish.
YV: I did that when I was in graduate school twenty two years ago. I read Goethe’s The Sorrows of Young Werther in German.
Free: You were free at that time?
YV: Oh, I was yv at that time already.
Free: I see.
YV: You did? You saw me?
Free: That

白目雙胞胎的典型牛同猴講!可是都聽得懂!真是兩隻神經病!(when YV was under extreme pressure, but Free possibly under no pressure at all.)
台長 2006-11-16 03:52:51


Free is not free thi 2006-11-16 02:28:04


LV 2006-11-13 23:15:04

是我表達有問題 還是學生不長耳朵