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Montblanc MontBlanc with Wechsler brothers work for UNICEF C

Montblanc MontBlanc with Wechsler brothers work for UNICEF Charity Dinner-西班牙文

UNICEF Charity Dinner
MontBlanc and Wechsler brothers work together to prepare
Gongxiangshengju Weinstein won the Oscar nominated
"shameless asshole" - "9" - "a single man"

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2010 Oscar ceremony Eve

2010 year in March 6th, the United States of America Losangeles? In 2010 coincided with the Oscar awards ceremony Eve, celebrities from all walks of life gathered in the United States of Losangeles, by Weinstein (the Weinstein Company),Furla型錄, Wechsler brothers Harvey and Bob and MontBlanc jointly organized charity dinner very bright starlight. On this wonderful occasion, invited guests toast, MontBlanc on the education charity UNICEF years of support and initiated and celebration drink. "To love is the inscription" (Signature for Good) charity projects launched since June 1, 2009 until now, has been getting a total of up to $2000000 in sales, but MontBlanc will be officially announced all project sales income to the United Nations Children's fund, global education and literacy project.

Eva Green (left), the United Nations Children's fund, the United States CEO, Caryl Stern (middle), MontBlanc international company CEO Mr. Beloz (right)

MontBlanc with "love as the inscription" charity event this bridge, issued a set of world no two contains writing tools, jewelry and accessories collection, aimed at raising money to support the United Nations Children's fund launched global children's education and literacy project. The 2009 Oscar prize announced on the eve of MontBlanc, with 12 Hollywood actress portrait photographs for the first time Qiliang Qi Losangeles. Subsequently, this 12 piece true to life likeness celebrity portrait of the world tour exhibition, and auction in 2009 September return to Losangeles after all, amount is taken to the United Nations Children's fund.

Eva Green wearing MontBlanc brilliant series of platinum diamond necklace

time flies, MontBlanc once in a year ago and solemnly promise, will through its global "to love as the inscription" charity program, during the period of 2009 February to 2010 June for the United Nations Children's fund to raise $1500000 for charity. Just a few months later, MontBlanc chief executive,Montblanc MontBlanc with Wechsler brothers work for UNICEF Charity Dinner, Mr Bethge (Lutz Bethge) announced in March 6, 2010 has been completely beyond the established goals, and prepare to be $two million all over with the United Nations Children's fund, the United States of America Fund president and chief executive of Caryl M., Ms. Stern,Furla型錄, she will be the United Nations Children's Fund