2010-02-17 01:55:03老不休


研究生(英文姓名):Chih-Fan Chen
論文名稱: 金字塔頂端客戶之養生村規劃
英文論文名稱:The Health Care Village Planning for the Top-Class Customers
指導教授(英文姓名): Shiang-Tai Liu
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 萬能科技大學 
系所名稱: 經營管理研究所
學號: 953535014
學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
關鍵詞: 銀髮族 ; 金字塔頂端 ; 養生
英文關鍵詞: Senior ; Top-Class ; Health Care Village
被引用次數: 0
[ 摘要 ]
[ 英文摘要 ]
As the social structure changes, every organization of big enterprise pays attention to senior market, want to put into the market of this senior clan and rob the food one after another, but effective attribute, occupant of planning, yet, workshop confine to more the old and the weak still, ill incomplete, Ann raises for the main fact, or relatively popularize melting, popular health care village. Maintain organization to be also less likely to pay attention to idea of keeping in good health now, only offer service of looking after at ordinary times.
Purpose of this research, is it construct happy to keep in happy health care village is it keep in happy health care village each at home now to separate with district, person who initiate body have made to order with the The top-class customers enjoying life to build, draft the demand of the interview top-class customers group of exclusive questionnaire, the environment, organic diet meal keep in good health in order to get accommodation, medical treatment is looked after and controlled, the amusement and holidays travel, the spiritual aspect promotes and manages money matters with the health insurance for the structure, the village enters the will lived in to carry on the discussion and keep in good health happily.
Research this through is it is it probe into operation structure live in analysis results of will find entering to regression analysis to come back, living environment of health care village, organic diet and meal keep in good health, amusement and holidays with travel, spiritual promotion, medical treatment of aspect look after and control and health insurance manage money matters very much apparent.
This research conclusions find, senior markets take by market district through, in order to lasting service leveling not standardized to ethnicity not specific, and then carry on strategic alliance with the relevant industries of senior clan effectively, not only can promote and keep in happy health care village serves quality, can also drive the relevant businesses opportunity of senior, the operation way to extend many angles.
[ 論文目次 ]
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 4
1.3 研究流程 6
1.4 研究範圍與限制 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 何謂銀髮族及相關理論 8
2.1.1 何謂銀髮族 8
2.1.2 銀髮族相關理論 9
2.2 養生村的經營型態 13
2.3 銀髮族社區入住方式 17
2.4 居住考量與選擇之因素探討 19
2.5 銀髮族之休閒情況 25
2.6 醫療環境 27
2.7 膳食養生 29
第三章 研究方法 31
3.1 研究模型 31
3.2 質性研究方法 32
3.2.1 價值鏈分析 33
3.2.2 SWOT分析 33
3.2.3 TOWS矩陣分析 33
3.2.4 PEST分析 35
3.2.5 STP分析 37
3.2.6 五力分析 38
3.2.7 質性研究過程 40
3.3 量化研究方法 41
3.3.1 問卷蒐集過程 41
3.3.2 量化分析方法 42
第四章 資料分析與解釋 47
4.1 銀髮族市場現況分析 47
4.2 快樂養生村之質性分析 48
4.2.1 銀髮族之價值鏈分析 48
4.2.2 快樂養生村之SWOT分析 49
4.2.3 快樂養生村之TOWS分析 50
4.2.4 快樂養生村之PEST分析 52
4.2.5 快樂養生村之STP分析 53
4.2.6 快樂養生村之五力分析 55
4.3 快樂養生村之量化分析 56
4.3.1 快樂養生村之敘述性統計分析 56
4.3.2 快樂養生村之交叉分析 64
4.3.3 快樂養生村之信度、效度及迴歸分析 67
第五章 結論與建議 69
5.1 研究結論 69
5.2 研究建議與發現 70
參考文獻 71
A 快樂養生村進住意願之問卷調查 1

表2.1 影響銀髮社區選擇之因素 22
表2.2 銀髮族旅遊者動機/利益追求之比較 26
表3.1 相關企業訪談細節 40
表3.2 多管道資料蒐集 41
表4.1 研究假說 47
表4.2 快樂養生村SWOT與TOWS分析 51
表4.3 行政院規劃貸款利率優惠 52
表4.4 敘述性統計分析表 57
表4.5 問卷受訪者對營運架構構面之相關性分析 67
表4.6 營運架構對進住意願假設檢定 68

圖1.1 研究流程圖 6
圖3.1 研究模型 31
圖4.1 Porter價值系統 48
圖4.2 五力分析 56
圖4.3 性別與年齡統計圖 58
圖4.4 職業與理財統計圖 59
圖4.5 退休與教育程度統計圖 60
圖4.6 婚姻狀況與宗教信仰統計圖 60
圖4.7 商業保險統計圖 61
圖4.8 問項1與問項2之統計圖 61
圖4.9 問項3與問項4之統計圖 62
圖4.10 問項5與問項8之統計圖 62
圖4.11 問項6與問項7之統計圖 63
圖4.12 問項9與問項10之統計圖 64
圖4.13 年齡與理財方式比例累積圖 64
圖4.14 職業狀況與商業保險比例累積圖 65
圖4.15 職業狀況和理財方式比例累積圖 66
圖4.16 理財方式與商業保險比例累積圖 66
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