2006-03-02 02:16:46Carci

Just another day..

My mom called again this morning, like how it has been for the past weeks.

"There’s one more trail I found about your dad, it’s more evident that he’s lying and trying to hide something.."

I had prayed to God before I picked up the phone to alleviate my impatience toward her anguish. But I thought God wasn’t in with me on the conference call. Felt like He’s a thousand miles away. Taking care of the Middle Eastern turmoil instead of tuning in to our conversation.

I still gave my mom some "stupid" suggestions about investigating my dad from the dark and told her to gather up all of my dad’s credit card statement for the past year. Hopefully the almighty won’t penalize me for this. As a woman who has been been there, done that, all I want was the truth for her. If it can go to peace with her mind, it’s worth me trying.

Never really thought this would occur in my family. Through media and friends, the stories of broken families echo here and there. It’s as if the series of unfortunate events, without doubts, serve as mirrors to others so they can appreciate what they have now.

There’s no question that I believe in His miracles.
I have already walked this far.
And I should be on my way again too..