2005-07-07 03:03:23陽光


a life style....a matter of choice...if you wanna be with girls or boys.

deeper thoughts...tender feelings...exchange & communicate actually...things that I've been longing for. In real life, it's hard to find the soul mate.

the novel posted by The_Naked is provoking. touched by the way she observes things. feel amazed that there is one more "astonishing" lesbo in this world. :D wish to get to know more about this lesbo. I guess she is. My instinct tells me.

I'm not that talented, and I tend to describe or observe things in a plain way. That makes me a boring person. She has the talent that I lack for. :) How come I didn't have friends like her when I was in the university? We were in the same university, I bet. She is only one year older than me. Oh, it's such a pity that I didn't know her earlier. And now, she doesn't know me still.

It's not that important. Just enjoy reading her novels and be quiet. I'm communicating with her works.