2006-06-05 09:28:00hc

談flash card

flash card是學習/記憶用工具,卡片上寫些英文圖文。
a card with a word or picture on it which is used to help students learn(from Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)
中文有人翻譯為「閃示卡」,日文採音譯:フラッシュカード ((学習教材)).。

它的應用可參考『紐約時報』的報導,新上市的類似(名稱-用途)癌症藥太多,必須用flash cards來提醒自己(醫生)。

New Drugs for Cancer Could Soon Flood Market
Neither Glaxo, Pfizer nor Wyeth had much of a presence in the cancer business several years ago. But pharmaceutical companies have awakened to the scientific discoveries and business factors — particularly high prices — that have transformed an area they once considered more of a niche market.

But the new scramble into cancer could result in a flood of "me-too" drugs. Numerous pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are developing drugs that seek to choke off the flow of blood to tumors or interfere with proteins inside the tumor that spur it to grow.

"We’re all going to have to have flash cards to remember all the names of these agents in the future," Dr. Hope S. Rugo of the University of California, San Francisco, said after presenting a lecture on sunitinib, axitinib, sorafenib, pazopanib and other similar-acting and similar-sounding drugs.

About 400 cancer drugs from 178 companies are in clinical trials, according to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association. That is twice the number of drugs in trials for illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease and depression and nearly three times as many as for heart attack and stroke.

---- 編譯館的資料庫可能有錯

電子計算機 FLASH MEMORY 快閃記憶體
電子計算機 FLASH MEMORY card 快速記憶卡
----承上,台灣廠商將它作為簡稱/商標:Flash Card是電子機具外插的記憶儲存器。首先見於PC中USB的大姆哥,繼之在數位相機中, 用來儲存相片,像是SONY的memory stick,其他公司 ... 而目前數位相機附贈的Flash Card 以及後續的升級Flash Card─今年以128MB/256MB為主流─也似乎隱約在望。
hc 2006-06-07 15:41:39

Drive Makers Cram More Data on Disks

Disk-drive makers are introducing products that cram even more data onto storage devices, as they compete with ”flash memory” technology.