2005-02-14 12:07:06尚未設定

不安的季節Disquieting Seasons春 夏

      構築•不安的季節 Constructs• Disquieting Seasons

  Springtime. The first tree is my left arm in the morning sand. Lethargic easterly wind. My arm grows twigs like waterfront willows -- a few yellowish indigo without shade. Not yet.
  I am waiting for a once-in-a-life witness, i am waiting for your passing-by, and waiting i am for your leaning against this moss-colored trunk with your eyesight or your shoulder.
  I can see the catkin drop into your hair like drops of fog, whitish, barely visible, like your breath with Irish scent. You, slender and aloof, do not stay here long, not wishing to be misunderstood.
  My waiting can not construct a landscape. Here, I design my own solitude and lightness.


  On the river of yesterday, I stand in the water, spraddle-footed. This morning has already drowned my knees. A shoal of small fish circle around my legs like water whirling around two twigs about to sink into a whirlpool. The water is muddy.
  A fit of horror strikes me, and the sky suddenly lowers and the clouds become curds of ink. I can feel many eels dash toward my legs like mute thunderbolt cracking under water. I can feel slanting slashes of their tails on my legs, slimy cold, smelly wet, and my skin grow moss.
Time is a mass of dough. Rolled and flattened, stretched out and slowly contracting. The face of the dough is dotted with smallpox. The tiny holes of time look like the meteorite craters on some faraway planets. I sprinkle a handful of sand and spread out the crispy feel. I sign with resignation.
  Your shade is afloat on the bank. Your lingering is wrapped with the golden afterglow, and solitary smoke rises from the chimneys of your hesitation.
  I want to describe to you the connotation of coziness, only to find that you and I are standing at the two ends of its denotation.