2004-06-26 17:12:28amoyling

丹麥皇室歷史--1 Christian IV

Christian IV

1577-1648, King of Denmark and Norway from 1596, son of Frederik II and Sophie of Mecklenburgh, father of Frederik III. Despite Christian IV's ambitious attempts to extend his own and his country's power and influence, Denmark's status as a great power in Europe was weakened during his reign. The continued rivalry with Sweden resulted in the Kalmar War of 1611-13, won by Denmark, and the Torstensson Feud of 1643-45, which it lost, so that parts of the kingdom had to be ceded to Sweden. The King's intervention in the Thirty Years' War against the German Emperor Ferdinand II from 1625 to 1629 had particularly catastrophic consequences; after a crushing defeat at Lutter am Barenberg in 1626 Jutland was occupied by German troops from 1627 to 1629. Despite his injudicious foreign adventures, Christian IV occupies a very special place in the mind of the Danes. His 52-year reign has left many traces in Copenhagen, among other things in the form of buildings such as Børsen (the Stock Exchange), Rosenborg Palace and Rundetårn (The Round Tower). Moreover, many letters in the King's hand have been preserved, testifying to a temperamental but vivid personality with a propensity for meddling in every matter, large or small. Christian IV's well-documented and frequent carousings also form part of his reputation as the flamboyant and popular Renaissance king.

Christian 四世年幼時受教於SORO的騎士學院,曾經接受傳統的航海訓練,並曾到柏林去游學.當他十九歲登基時,舉行的盛況空前的慶賀典禮,鑲著鑽石和珍珠的王冠是照他自己的意思設計的.動用了三千匹駿馬去迎接歐洲各國來的貴賓,煙火齊放,城開不夜,幾乎喝盡了庫藏美酒,一派太平盛世的景象.
1603年,他的姐夫又接任英國國王為詹姆士一世(James 1,1603年-1625年在位),他遠赴英倫,尋求結援,并借鏡英國先進的軍事設備.當瑞典東進愛沙尼亞,西攻挪威北部並自行加封為[拉普王](king of Lapps)時,Christian 四世立即於1611年要求參政會同意向瑞典宣戰.至1613年乘勝攻佔卡爾瑪堡,戰爭才告結束,瑞典只能承認丹麥對拉普蘭的主權,並賠償戰費.這就是[卡爾瑪戰爭](1611-1613).
