2022-09-01 13:41:44Ethan Eric

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing an Essay - Guide 2022


Essay writing is a major part of student’s academic life. A huge chunk of grades is occupied by writing assignments like essays and papers. 

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 The Art of Writing — Tom Morris

An essay is a piece of writing, that can take formal as well as informal style, that presents the writer’s argument and stance. There are several types of essays including argumentative, informative, persuasive, descriptive, narrative, cause and effect, compare and contrast, analytical, etc. 


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All these essays are written using the basic structure and have the same purpose to persuade the audience. The basic structure that an essay follows is called the ‘5 paragraph’ structure. In this structure, there are three sections. 


The first section or part of the essay structure is the introduction where the topic is introduced and where the thesis statement is presented along with the background information on the topic. 


The second section is the body of an essay where all the supporting information is provided that backs and prooves the main argument. All of the information together lead the readers up to the conclusion which is the third and the last part. The conclusion sums up the writer’s argument. 

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Essays are the most common forms of writing that remain in a person’s life one way or the other. As this writing is always there in your life, it is important to know how it is perfectly written. 


Mistakes that Should be Avoided

  1. Do not use passive voice when writing an essay. No matter which type of essay you are writing, use active voice to make your essay interesting and readable. 

2.                   Your aim is to make your readers understand your point clearly. For this reason, avoid using words and sentences that are complex and twisted. Clearly and explicitly present ideas and perspectives to persuade the audience. 

3.                   Avoid using sentences that are inappropriate for the text. Your writing will only be effective if the content is relevant and appropriate. 

4.                   Sentences that do not form transition should also be avoided. This is to maintain a logical flow in the content to make it understandable. 

5.                   In the writing world, plagiarism is a serious offence and considered a crime. Credibility and authenticity are the key features that make a writer’s reputation. Without this, the writer’s purpose of the work is lost. Nobody is going to read something that the writer stole, so avoid plagiarism when writing an essay. 

6.                   Always read the guidelines and instructions provided carefully. Your essay’s fate depend on how well you fulfilled the requirements. The guidelines provided by the instructors are there for a purpose. So, understand them to write effectively. 

7.                   When using a piece of information and words of others make sure to provide the citation.  This the information about the references and sources in your work. The citation helps to avoid plagiarism in your essay. It is there in the guidelines which citation style to choose for your essay. 

8.                   Using credible and reliable sources in the content is everything. Avoid using sources that you are not sure about and those who are not scholarly. Everything that you come across is not worth adding to the content. 


The importance of drafting a winning essay cannot be denied. Students who find it hard to write perfect essays wish to get free essays written for their academics. The good news is, there are websites who provide essay writing help free of cost. 


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