2013-06-25 16:56:26Morris
[計算機組織][作業] 模擬 pipeline
MIPS 32 bits instruction, 以字元的方式表示。
一行一個指令,直到 EOF。
助教會陸續公布不同的指令順序,其中會包含需要處理 data hazard, hazard with load and branch hazard, 每次公布的指令都會放在 「.txt」 檔中,並由同學們寫的模擬程式讀入。
CC 1:
$0: 0 $1: 1 $2: 2
$3: 3 $4: 4 $5: 5
$6: 6 $7: 7 $8: 8
Data memory:
0: 1
4: 2
8: 3
12: 4
16: 5
PC 4
Instruction 00000000001000110001000000100010
A 0
B 0
sign_ext 0
Rs 0
Rt 0
Rd 0
Control signals 000000000
ALUout 0
WriteData 0
Rd 0
Control signals 00000
ReadData 0
ALUout 0
Control signals 00
簡約如上,根據每個 clock cycle 輸出當時狀態的記憶體與暫存器內容,以及 pipeline 中的情況。
直到指令達到結束(都是空指令),初始化 $i = i
依照每次公布的指令順序,將結果分別寫入到 「genResult.txt, dataResult.txt, loadResult.txt, branchResult.txt」中, 輸出格式請參照以下範例, 即印出在每個 clock cycle 時,各個 pipeline registers 所儲存的值。「Instruction, Control signals」 以 binary number 表示,其餘以十進制(signed integer)。
程式碼說明 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7RwmWo93u-mTDYtZlYwYmluRnM/edit?usp=sharing
能交個樣子就好了, 管它屍體還是什麼的。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Rtype {// lowbit -> hightbit
unsigned int funct:6;
unsigned int shamt:5;
unsigned int rd:5;
unsigned int rt:5;
unsigned int rs:5;
unsigned int opcode:6;
struct Itype {
unsigned int immediate:16;
unsigned int rt:5;
unsigned int rs:5;
unsigned int opcode:6;
struct Jtype {
unsigned int address:26;
unsigned int opcode:6;
union Instruction {
unsigned int word;
Rtype R;
Itype I;
Jtype J;
struct E {
int type;
Instruction code;
map<int, string> Rstr, Istr, Jstr;
void buildName() {
string Rname[] = {"add", "addu", "sub", "subu","and",
"or", "xor", "nor", "slt", "sll", "srl", "sra", "jr"};
int funct[] = {0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24,
0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x2A, 0x0, 0x2, 0x3, 0x8};
for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
Rstr[funct[i]] = Rname[i];
string Iname[] = {"addi", "addiu", "lw", "sw", "andi",
"ori", "slti", "beq", "bne"};
int opcode[] = {0x8, 0x9, 0x23, 0x2B, 0xC,
0xD, 0xA, 0x4, 0x5};
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
Istr[opcode[i]] = Iname[i];
Jstr[0x2] = "j";
Jstr[0x3] = "jal";
void convertBinary(unsigned n, int m) {
for(int i = m-1; i >= 0; i--)
printf("%d", (n>>i)&1);
void pipelineProcess(E cmd[], int n) {
int i, j, k;
E path[4];
memset(path, 0, sizeof(path));
path[0] = cmd[0];
int pathlevel[4] = {0,1,2,3};//IFID(0), IDEX(1), EXMEM(2), MEMWB(3)
int pathctrl[4] = {0,0,0,0};
int pathALU[4] = {0,0,0,0}, pathALU2[4] = {0,0,0,0};
int pathmem[4] = {0,0,0,0};
int pc = 1, CC = 0;
const int regsize = 9, memsize = 5;
unsigned int reg[regsize], mem[memsize];
for(i = 0; i < regsize; i++) reg[i] = i;
for(i = 0; i < memsize; i++) mem[i] = i+1;
if(cmd[0].type == 'R') {
pathctrl[0] = 386;
} else if(cmd[0].type == 'I') {
if(Istr[cmd[0].code.I.opcode] == "beq") {
pathctrl[0] = 80;
} else if(Istr[cmd[0].code.I.opcode] == "bne") {
pathctrl[0] = 80;
} else { // action for memory-reference
if(Istr[cmd[0].code.I.opcode] == "lw") {
pathctrl[0] = 43;
} else // sw
pathctrl[0] = 36;
} else
pathctrl[0] = 0;
int eofFlag = 0;
bool stall = false;
while(true) {
if(path[0].code.word == 0 && path[1].code.word == 0
&& path[2].code.word == 0 && path[3].code.word == 0)
eofFlag = 1;
unsigned A, B;
bool Aforward = false, Bforward = false;
if(pathctrl[2]&2) { //EX/MEM.RegWrite
if(pathctrl[2]&1) {
if(path[1].code.R.rs == path[2].code.R.rt)
{Aforward = true, A = pathALU[2];}
if(path[1].code.R.rt == path[2].code.R.rt)
{Bforward = true, B = pathALU[2];}
} else {
if(path[1].code.R.rs == path[2].code.R.rd)
{Aforward = true, A = pathALU[2];}
if(path[1].code.R.rt == path[2].code.R.rd)
{Bforward = true, B = pathALU[2];}
if(pathctrl[3]&2) { //MEM/WB.RegWrite
if(pathctrl[3]&1) { // lw
if(path[1].code.R.rs == path[3].code.R.rt && !Aforward)
{Aforward = true, A = pathALU2[3];}
if(path[1].code.R.rt == path[3].code.R.rt && !Bforward)
{Bforward = true, B = pathALU2[3];}
} else {
if(path[1].code.R.rs == path[3].code.R.rd && !Aforward)
{Aforward = true, A = pathALU2[3];}
if(path[1].code.R.rt == path[3].code.R.rd && !Bforward)
{Bforward = true, B = pathALU2[3];}
if(path[1].code.R.rs == 0) Aforward = false;
if(path[1].code.R.rt == 0) Bforward = false;
if(!Aforward) A = reg[path[1].code.R.rs];
//else puts("forwarding A");
if(!Bforward) B = reg[path[1].code.R.rt];
//else puts("forwarding B");
printf("CC %d:\n\n", ++CC);
for(i = 0; i < regsize; i++) {
if(i%3 == 0) puts("");
printf("$%d: %-5d", i, reg[i]);
} puts("\n");
puts("Data memory:");
for(i = 0; i < memsize; i++) {
printf("%d: %d\n", i<<2, mem[i]);
} puts("");
printf("%-20s%d\n", "PC", (pc+(stall == true))<<2);
printf("%-20s", "Instruction"), convertBinary(path[0].code.word, 32), puts("");
printf("%-20s%d\n", "A", A);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "B", B);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "sign_ext", path[1].type == 'I' ? path[1].code.I.immediate : 0);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "Rs", path[1].code.R.rs);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "Rt", path[1].code.R.rt);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "Rd", path[1].code.R.rd);
printf("%-20s", "Control signals"), convertBinary(pathctrl[1], 9), puts("");
printf("%-20s%d\n", "ALUout", pathALU[2]);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "WriteData", (pathctrl[2]&4) ? reg[path[2].code.I.rt] : 0);
if(pathctrl[2]&12) // lw/sw
printf("%-20s%d\n", "Rt", path[2].code.R.rt);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "Rd", path[2].code.R.rd);
printf("%-20s", "Control signals"), convertBinary(pathctrl[2], 5), puts("");
printf("%-20s%d\n", "ReadData", (pathctrl[3]&8) ? pathALU2[3] : 0);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "ALUout", (pathctrl[3]&4) ? 0 : pathALU[3]);
printf("%-20s", "Control signals"), convertBinary(pathctrl[3], 2), puts("");
if(pathctrl[3]&2) {//MEM/WB.RegWrite
if(pathctrl[3]&1) {//MEM/WB.MemToReg == lw
reg[path[3].code.R.rt] = pathALU2[3];
} else {
reg[path[3].code.R.rd] = pathALU2[3];
reg[0] = 0;
mem[pathALU[2]>>2] = reg[path[2].code.R.rt];
else if(pathctrl[2]&8)//EX/MEM.MemRead
pathALU2[2] = mem[pathALU[2]>>2];
pathALU2[2] = pathALU[2];
path[3] = path[2], pathctrl[3] = pathctrl[2], pathALU[3] = pathALU[2], pathmem[3] = pathmem[2];
pathALU2[3] = pathALU2[2];
if(path[1].type == 'R') {
if(Rstr[path[1].code.R.funct] == "add")
pathALU[1] = A + B;
if(Rstr[path[1].code.R.funct] == "sub")
pathALU[1] = A - B;
if(Rstr[path[1].code.R.funct] == "and")
pathALU[1] = A & B;
if(Rstr[path[1].code.R.funct] == "or")
pathALU[1] = A | B;
} else if(path[1].type == 'I') {
if(Istr[path[1].code.I.opcode] == "beq") {
if(A == B) {
pc += path[1].code.I.immediate - 1;
pathctrl[0] = 0;
} else if(Istr[path[1].code.I.opcode] == "bne") {
if(A != B) {
pc += path[1].code.I.immediate - 1;
pathctrl[0] = 0;
} else { // action for memory-reference
pathALU[1] = A + path[1].code.I.immediate;
} else if(path[1].type == 'J'){
pc = pc + path[1].code.J.address;
path[2] = path[1], pathctrl[2] = pathctrl[1], pathALU[2] = pathALU[1], pathmem[2] = pathmem[1];
path[1] = path[0], pathctrl[1] = pathctrl[0], pathALU[1] = pathALU[0], pathmem[1] = pathmem[0];
path[0] = cmd[pc++], pathALU[0] = 0, pathmem[0] = 0;
stall = false;//<test stall>
if(pathctrl[1]&8) {//ID/EX.MemRead
if(path[1].code.I.rt == path[0].code.I.rs ||
path[1].code.I.rt == path[0].code.I.rt)
stall = true;
if(stall) {
memset(&path[0], 0, sizeof(path[0]));
pathctrl[0] = 0;
}//</test stall>
if(path[0].type == 'R') {
pathctrl[0] = 386;
} else if(path[0].type == 'I') {
if(Istr[path[0].code.I.opcode] == "beq")
pathctrl[0] = 80;
else if(Istr[path[0].code.I.opcode] == "bne")
pathctrl[0] = 80;
else { // action for memory-reference
if(Istr[path[0].code.I.opcode] == "lw")
pathctrl[0] = 43;
else // sw
pathctrl[0] = 36;
} else
pathctrl[0] = 0;
int main() {
char s[50];
int cmdCount = 0;
E cmd[1005];
memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
buildName();// instruct name
//freopen("General.txt", "r+t", stdin);
//freopen("genResult.txt", "w+t", stdout);
//freopen("Datahazard.txt", "r+t", stdin);
//freopen("dataResult.txt", "w+t", stdout);
//freopen("Lwhazard.txt", "r+t", stdin);
//freopen("loadResult.txt", "w+t", stdout);
//freopen("Branchazard.txt", "r+t", stdin);
//freopen("branchResult.txt", "w+t", stdout);
while(scanf("%s", s) == 1) {
unsigned int code = 0;
// read 10001100010000010000000000000110
// hightbit ------------------- lowbit
for(int i = 0; s[i]; i++)
code = (code<<1)|(s[i]-'0');
cmd[cmdCount].code.word = code;
if(cmd[cmdCount].code.R.opcode == 0)
cmd[cmdCount].type = 'R';
else if(cmd[cmdCount].code.R.opcode == 0x2 || cmd[cmdCount].code.R.opcode == 0x3)
cmd[cmdCount].type = 'J';
cmd[cmdCount].type = 'I';
for(int i = 0; i < cmdCount; i++) {
printf("[%c] ", cmd[i].type);
if(cmd[i].type == 'R') {
printf("%-5s $%d, $%d, $%d\n", Rstr[cmd[i].code.R.funct].c_str(), cmd[i].code.R.rd,
cmd[i].code.R.rs, cmd[i].code.R.rt);
} else if(cmd[i].type == 'I') {
printf("%-5s $%d, $%d, 0x%x\n", Istr[cmd[i].code.I.opcode].c_str(), cmd[i].code.I.rt,
cmd[i].code.I.rs, cmd[i].code.I.immediate);
} else {
printf("%-5s 0x%x\n", Jstr[cmd[i].code.J.opcode].c_str(), cmd[i].code.J.address<<2);
pipelineProcess(cmd, cmdCount);
return 0;
Type R:opcode(6)-rs(5)-rt(5)-rd(5)-shamt(5)-funct(6)
Type I:opcode(6)-rs(5)-rt(5)-immediate(16)
Type J:opcode(6)-address(26)
// lw $t, C($s)
lw $1, 6($2)
add $3, $0, $2
bne $0, $2, 0x6
(1) ip 4, fetch $2 = 2, immediate = 6 | final $1 = 3
(2) ip 8, fetch $0 = 0, $2 = 2 | final $3 = 2
(3) ip 12, fetch $0 = 0, $2 = 2, immediate = 6, do clear one instruction
(4) ip = 12 + 6*4 + 4 = 40, this is a "nop" ...
lw $6, 7($1)
sub $7, $2, $3
and $8, $4, $5
(1) ip = 4, fetch $1 = 1, immediate = 7 | final $6 = 3
(2) ip = 8, fetch $2 = 2, $3 = 3 | final $7 = -1
(3) ip = 12, fetch $4 = 4, $5 = 5 | final $8 = 4
sub $2, $1, $3
and $4, $2, $5
or $4, $4, $2
(1) ip = 4, fetch $1 = 1, $3 = 3 | final $2 = -2
(2) ip = 8, fetch $2 = -2(forwarding), $5 = 5 | final $4 = 4
(3) ip = 12, fetch $4 = 4(forwarding), $2 = -2(forwarding) | final $4 = -2
lw $2, 7($1)
and $4, $2, $5
or $4, $4, $2
(1) ip = 4, fetch $1 = 1, immediate = 7 | final $2 = mem[8] = 3
(-) -- lw make stall. --
(2) ip = 8, fetch $2 = 3(forwarding), $5 = 5 | final $4 = 1
(3) ip = 12, fetch $4 = 1(forwarding), $2 = 3 | final $4 = 3
Note: (3) $2 don't need via forwarding, but internal forwarding
lw :|IF-|-|ID-|-|ALU|-|MEM|-|WB-|
or :|___|-|___|-|___|-|IF-|-|ID-|-|ALU|-|MEM|-|WB-|
sub $2, $4, $3
beq $1, $2, 2 (需跳躍的指令個數)
and $3, $4, $5
or $6, $7, $8
lw $4, 7($1)
(1) ip = 4, fetch $4 = 4, $3 = 3 | final $2 = 1
(2) ip = 8, fetch $1 = 1, $2 = 1(forwarding) | final ip = 12 + 2*4 = 20
(-) ip = 12, because branch clear, make control all zeroes.
(3) ip = 20, fetch $1 = 1, immediate = 7 | final $4 = mem[8] = 3
sw $1, 2($2)
MIPS 32 bits instruction, 以字元的方式表示。
一行一個指令,直到 EOF。
助教會陸續公布不同的指令順序,其中會包含需要處理 data hazard, hazard with load and branch hazard, 每次公布的指令都會放在 「.txt」 檔中,並由同學們寫的模擬程式讀入。
CC 1:
$0: 0 $1: 1 $2: 2
$3: 3 $4: 4 $5: 5
$6: 6 $7: 7 $8: 8
Data memory:
0: 1
4: 2
8: 3
12: 4
16: 5
PC 4
Instruction 00000000001000110001000000100010
A 0
B 0
sign_ext 0
Rs 0
Rt 0
Rd 0
Control signals 000000000
ALUout 0
WriteData 0
Rd 0
Control signals 00000
ReadData 0
ALUout 0
Control signals 00
簡約如上,根據每個 clock cycle 輸出當時狀態的記憶體與暫存器內容,以及 pipeline 中的情況。
直到指令達到結束(都是空指令),初始化 $i = i
依照每次公布的指令順序,將結果分別寫入到 「genResult.txt, dataResult.txt, loadResult.txt, branchResult.txt」中, 輸出格式請參照以下範例, 即印出在每個 clock cycle 時,各個 pipeline registers 所儲存的值。「Instruction, Control signals」 以 binary number 表示,其餘以十進制(signed integer)。
程式碼說明 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7RwmWo93u-mTDYtZlYwYmluRnM/edit?usp=sharing
能交個樣子就好了, 管它屍體還是什麼的。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Rtype {// lowbit -> hightbit
unsigned int funct:6;
unsigned int shamt:5;
unsigned int rd:5;
unsigned int rt:5;
unsigned int rs:5;
unsigned int opcode:6;
struct Itype {
unsigned int immediate:16;
unsigned int rt:5;
unsigned int rs:5;
unsigned int opcode:6;
struct Jtype {
unsigned int address:26;
unsigned int opcode:6;
union Instruction {
unsigned int word;
Rtype R;
Itype I;
Jtype J;
struct E {
int type;
Instruction code;
map<int, string> Rstr, Istr, Jstr;
void buildName() {
string Rname[] = {"add", "addu", "sub", "subu","and",
"or", "xor", "nor", "slt", "sll", "srl", "sra", "jr"};
int funct[] = {0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24,
0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x2A, 0x0, 0x2, 0x3, 0x8};
for(int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
Rstr[funct[i]] = Rname[i];
string Iname[] = {"addi", "addiu", "lw", "sw", "andi",
"ori", "slti", "beq", "bne"};
int opcode[] = {0x8, 0x9, 0x23, 0x2B, 0xC,
0xD, 0xA, 0x4, 0x5};
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
Istr[opcode[i]] = Iname[i];
Jstr[0x2] = "j";
Jstr[0x3] = "jal";
void convertBinary(unsigned n, int m) {
for(int i = m-1; i >= 0; i--)
printf("%d", (n>>i)&1);
void pipelineProcess(E cmd[], int n) {
int i, j, k;
E path[4];
memset(path, 0, sizeof(path));
path[0] = cmd[0];
int pathlevel[4] = {0,1,2,3};//IFID(0), IDEX(1), EXMEM(2), MEMWB(3)
int pathctrl[4] = {0,0,0,0};
int pathALU[4] = {0,0,0,0}, pathALU2[4] = {0,0,0,0};
int pathmem[4] = {0,0,0,0};
int pc = 1, CC = 0;
const int regsize = 9, memsize = 5;
unsigned int reg[regsize], mem[memsize];
for(i = 0; i < regsize; i++) reg[i] = i;
for(i = 0; i < memsize; i++) mem[i] = i+1;
if(cmd[0].type == 'R') {
pathctrl[0] = 386;
} else if(cmd[0].type == 'I') {
if(Istr[cmd[0].code.I.opcode] == "beq") {
pathctrl[0] = 80;
} else if(Istr[cmd[0].code.I.opcode] == "bne") {
pathctrl[0] = 80;
} else { // action for memory-reference
if(Istr[cmd[0].code.I.opcode] == "lw") {
pathctrl[0] = 43;
} else // sw
pathctrl[0] = 36;
} else
pathctrl[0] = 0;
int eofFlag = 0;
bool stall = false;
while(true) {
if(path[0].code.word == 0 && path[1].code.word == 0
&& path[2].code.word == 0 && path[3].code.word == 0)
eofFlag = 1;
unsigned A, B;
bool Aforward = false, Bforward = false;
if(pathctrl[2]&2) { //EX/MEM.RegWrite
if(pathctrl[2]&1) {
if(path[1].code.R.rs == path[2].code.R.rt)
{Aforward = true, A = pathALU[2];}
if(path[1].code.R.rt == path[2].code.R.rt)
{Bforward = true, B = pathALU[2];}
} else {
if(path[1].code.R.rs == path[2].code.R.rd)
{Aforward = true, A = pathALU[2];}
if(path[1].code.R.rt == path[2].code.R.rd)
{Bforward = true, B = pathALU[2];}
if(pathctrl[3]&2) { //MEM/WB.RegWrite
if(pathctrl[3]&1) { // lw
if(path[1].code.R.rs == path[3].code.R.rt && !Aforward)
{Aforward = true, A = pathALU2[3];}
if(path[1].code.R.rt == path[3].code.R.rt && !Bforward)
{Bforward = true, B = pathALU2[3];}
} else {
if(path[1].code.R.rs == path[3].code.R.rd && !Aforward)
{Aforward = true, A = pathALU2[3];}
if(path[1].code.R.rt == path[3].code.R.rd && !Bforward)
{Bforward = true, B = pathALU2[3];}
if(path[1].code.R.rs == 0) Aforward = false;
if(path[1].code.R.rt == 0) Bforward = false;
if(!Aforward) A = reg[path[1].code.R.rs];
//else puts("forwarding A");
if(!Bforward) B = reg[path[1].code.R.rt];
//else puts("forwarding B");
printf("CC %d:\n\n", ++CC);
for(i = 0; i < regsize; i++) {
if(i%3 == 0) puts("");
printf("$%d: %-5d", i, reg[i]);
} puts("\n");
puts("Data memory:");
for(i = 0; i < memsize; i++) {
printf("%d: %d\n", i<<2, mem[i]);
} puts("");
printf("%-20s%d\n", "PC", (pc+(stall == true))<<2);
printf("%-20s", "Instruction"), convertBinary(path[0].code.word, 32), puts("");
printf("%-20s%d\n", "A", A);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "B", B);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "sign_ext", path[1].type == 'I' ? path[1].code.I.immediate : 0);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "Rs", path[1].code.R.rs);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "Rt", path[1].code.R.rt);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "Rd", path[1].code.R.rd);
printf("%-20s", "Control signals"), convertBinary(pathctrl[1], 9), puts("");
printf("%-20s%d\n", "ALUout", pathALU[2]);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "WriteData", (pathctrl[2]&4) ? reg[path[2].code.I.rt] : 0);
if(pathctrl[2]&12) // lw/sw
printf("%-20s%d\n", "Rt", path[2].code.R.rt);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "Rd", path[2].code.R.rd);
printf("%-20s", "Control signals"), convertBinary(pathctrl[2], 5), puts("");
printf("%-20s%d\n", "ReadData", (pathctrl[3]&8) ? pathALU2[3] : 0);
printf("%-20s%d\n", "ALUout", (pathctrl[3]&4) ? 0 : pathALU[3]);
printf("%-20s", "Control signals"), convertBinary(pathctrl[3], 2), puts("");
if(pathctrl[3]&2) {//MEM/WB.RegWrite
if(pathctrl[3]&1) {//MEM/WB.MemToReg == lw
reg[path[3].code.R.rt] = pathALU2[3];
} else {
reg[path[3].code.R.rd] = pathALU2[3];
reg[0] = 0;
mem[pathALU[2]>>2] = reg[path[2].code.R.rt];
else if(pathctrl[2]&8)//EX/MEM.MemRead
pathALU2[2] = mem[pathALU[2]>>2];
pathALU2[2] = pathALU[2];
path[3] = path[2], pathctrl[3] = pathctrl[2], pathALU[3] = pathALU[2], pathmem[3] = pathmem[2];
pathALU2[3] = pathALU2[2];
if(path[1].type == 'R') {
if(Rstr[path[1].code.R.funct] == "add")
pathALU[1] = A + B;
if(Rstr[path[1].code.R.funct] == "sub")
pathALU[1] = A - B;
if(Rstr[path[1].code.R.funct] == "and")
pathALU[1] = A & B;
if(Rstr[path[1].code.R.funct] == "or")
pathALU[1] = A | B;
} else if(path[1].type == 'I') {
if(Istr[path[1].code.I.opcode] == "beq") {
if(A == B) {
pc += path[1].code.I.immediate - 1;
pathctrl[0] = 0;
} else if(Istr[path[1].code.I.opcode] == "bne") {
if(A != B) {
pc += path[1].code.I.immediate - 1;
pathctrl[0] = 0;
} else { // action for memory-reference
pathALU[1] = A + path[1].code.I.immediate;
} else if(path[1].type == 'J'){
pc = pc + path[1].code.J.address;
path[2] = path[1], pathctrl[2] = pathctrl[1], pathALU[2] = pathALU[1], pathmem[2] = pathmem[1];
path[1] = path[0], pathctrl[1] = pathctrl[0], pathALU[1] = pathALU[0], pathmem[1] = pathmem[0];
path[0] = cmd[pc++], pathALU[0] = 0, pathmem[0] = 0;
stall = false;//<test stall>
if(pathctrl[1]&8) {//ID/EX.MemRead
if(path[1].code.I.rt == path[0].code.I.rs ||
path[1].code.I.rt == path[0].code.I.rt)
stall = true;
if(stall) {
memset(&path[0], 0, sizeof(path[0]));
pathctrl[0] = 0;
}//</test stall>
if(path[0].type == 'R') {
pathctrl[0] = 386;
} else if(path[0].type == 'I') {
if(Istr[path[0].code.I.opcode] == "beq")
pathctrl[0] = 80;
else if(Istr[path[0].code.I.opcode] == "bne")
pathctrl[0] = 80;
else { // action for memory-reference
if(Istr[path[0].code.I.opcode] == "lw")
pathctrl[0] = 43;
else // sw
pathctrl[0] = 36;
} else
pathctrl[0] = 0;
int main() {
char s[50];
int cmdCount = 0;
E cmd[1005];
memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
buildName();// instruct name
//freopen("General.txt", "r+t", stdin);
//freopen("genResult.txt", "w+t", stdout);
//freopen("Datahazard.txt", "r+t", stdin);
//freopen("dataResult.txt", "w+t", stdout);
//freopen("Lwhazard.txt", "r+t", stdin);
//freopen("loadResult.txt", "w+t", stdout);
//freopen("Branchazard.txt", "r+t", stdin);
//freopen("branchResult.txt", "w+t", stdout);
while(scanf("%s", s) == 1) {
unsigned int code = 0;
// read 10001100010000010000000000000110
// hightbit ------------------- lowbit
for(int i = 0; s[i]; i++)
code = (code<<1)|(s[i]-'0');
cmd[cmdCount].code.word = code;
if(cmd[cmdCount].code.R.opcode == 0)
cmd[cmdCount].type = 'R';
else if(cmd[cmdCount].code.R.opcode == 0x2 || cmd[cmdCount].code.R.opcode == 0x3)
cmd[cmdCount].type = 'J';
cmd[cmdCount].type = 'I';
for(int i = 0; i < cmdCount; i++) {
printf("[%c] ", cmd[i].type);
if(cmd[i].type == 'R') {
printf("%-5s $%d, $%d, $%d\n", Rstr[cmd[i].code.R.funct].c_str(), cmd[i].code.R.rd,
cmd[i].code.R.rs, cmd[i].code.R.rt);
} else if(cmd[i].type == 'I') {
printf("%-5s $%d, $%d, 0x%x\n", Istr[cmd[i].code.I.opcode].c_str(), cmd[i].code.I.rt,
cmd[i].code.I.rs, cmd[i].code.I.immediate);
} else {
printf("%-5s 0x%x\n", Jstr[cmd[i].code.J.opcode].c_str(), cmd[i].code.J.address<<2);
pipelineProcess(cmd, cmdCount);
return 0;
Type R:opcode(6)-rs(5)-rt(5)-rd(5)-shamt(5)-funct(6)
Type I:opcode(6)-rs(5)-rt(5)-immediate(16)
Type J:opcode(6)-address(26)
// lw $t, C($s)
lw $1, 6($2)
add $3, $0, $2
bne $0, $2, 0x6
(1) ip 4, fetch $2 = 2, immediate = 6 | final $1 = 3
(2) ip 8, fetch $0 = 0, $2 = 2 | final $3 = 2
(3) ip 12, fetch $0 = 0, $2 = 2, immediate = 6, do clear one instruction
(4) ip = 12 + 6*4 + 4 = 40, this is a "nop" ...
lw $6, 7($1)
sub $7, $2, $3
and $8, $4, $5
(1) ip = 4, fetch $1 = 1, immediate = 7 | final $6 = 3
(2) ip = 8, fetch $2 = 2, $3 = 3 | final $7 = -1
(3) ip = 12, fetch $4 = 4, $5 = 5 | final $8 = 4
sub $2, $1, $3
and $4, $2, $5
or $4, $4, $2
(1) ip = 4, fetch $1 = 1, $3 = 3 | final $2 = -2
(2) ip = 8, fetch $2 = -2(forwarding), $5 = 5 | final $4 = 4
(3) ip = 12, fetch $4 = 4(forwarding), $2 = -2(forwarding) | final $4 = -2
lw $2, 7($1)
and $4, $2, $5
or $4, $4, $2
(1) ip = 4, fetch $1 = 1, immediate = 7 | final $2 = mem[8] = 3
(-) -- lw make stall. --
(2) ip = 8, fetch $2 = 3(forwarding), $5 = 5 | final $4 = 1
(3) ip = 12, fetch $4 = 1(forwarding), $2 = 3 | final $4 = 3
Note: (3) $2 don't need via forwarding, but internal forwarding
lw :|IF-|-|ID-|-|ALU|-|MEM|-|WB-|
or :|___|-|___|-|___|-|IF-|-|ID-|-|ALU|-|MEM|-|WB-|
sub $2, $4, $3
beq $1, $2, 2 (需跳躍的指令個數)
and $3, $4, $5
or $6, $7, $8
lw $4, 7($1)
(1) ip = 4, fetch $4 = 4, $3 = 3 | final $2 = 1
(2) ip = 8, fetch $1 = 1, $2 = 1(forwarding) | final ip = 12 + 2*4 = 20
(-) ip = 12, because branch clear, make control all zeroes.
(3) ip = 20, fetch $1 = 1, immediate = 7 | final $4 = mem[8] = 3
sw $1, 2($2)
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