2005-05-14 22:56:08捲毛柚子

The Final Frontier。

Tell me why
I love you like I do,
Tell me who
can stop my heart
as much as you,
Tell me all your secrets, and I'll
tell you most of mine,

They say nobody's perfect,
well, thats really true this time
I dont have the answers,
I dont have a plan
All I have is you,
So darling, help me understand

(What we do) - you can whisper in my ear
(Where we go) - who knows what happens after here
Let's take each other's hand as we jump
in to the Final Frontier
I'm mad about you baby,
Mad About You...

[捲毛柚子的P.S.] 這首歌是我最愛的影集Mad about You的主題曲,每當熟悉的前奏響起,就忍不住期待本週Paul & Jamie這對生活在Mahattan的神經質雅痞夫妻,又要為了哪一件生活瑣事展開滔滔不絕的雄辯,激盪出什麼樣的生活樂趣。這齣影集陪伴了我度過許多快樂的年少時光,也敎會我用幽默的態度學習將日復ㄧ日的生活過出盎然的興味,在平凡簡單的日子裡實踐愛情。這才發現小說裡的愛情充滿驚濤駭浪,當然容易刻骨銘心,但是在悠悠歲月裡得以延長且保持雋永的愛情,更是需要智慧經營。話說回來,南部的第四台怎麼沒有Hallmark Channel啊,我最愛的The Buchmans正在回鍋中呢...