2006-12-12 13:15:05no name

作文 作業

  One of my special place to me is “school”. I like to go to

school very much because it is a place had aplenty of memory.

Most of all, I like junior high school.

  It is a tranquil and peaceful place where jollification is fairly

when the class dismisses. There are specious drill ground, zillion

of classrooms, and much of plant and flowers and also a wide of

swimming pool. Allow me to relax the pressure all day long to

bubble at that awesome swimming pool. Let me feel like I am in

“human’s paradise” There are enrich library and abundant

books full of knowledge. I usually wander about unhurriedly and

borrow my favorite field of books and gain new knowledge here.

And wondering one day I could master it.

  In high school days, not only I had abundant resources in

school but also had some sweet friends in campus. We studied,

played together and did many crazy things before. We designed

a class website till midnight and won a prize. We ran for

competition although didn’t win a prize. And most of all, we

participated a Cheer-leading squad and won the first prize. We

practiced for over four months and prepared for the finest prop

.We paying much more mental exertion, In the end,, actually we

did it and realize our goal. And we showed our best in the

competition. Not only we did out best shoot, but left a

distinctive memory to me.

  I like high school because I am a person who remember old

friends, and I will like my high school and remember that

wonderful memory last forever.

