2005-11-10 01:17:21In Sweet November

You comfort my heart

Recently God open a door for me. A job finally came. However this is a job in a newly formed orgnization. A lot political fights need to be settled by the boss. All kinds of rumors, judgements, cold feedbacks I saw. I feel bad for the new boss. It’s a very tough position to be at. After two months, I seem to see the thing finally moving and I might move to Denver soon.

God has given me great peace on this, although no devine voice has ever been heard :) First, several months ago when there was not even a sign of this, God spoke to me through his servant - "God loves you. this is not only a location change, but a new season in your life." Then I feel God saying that He will send me to Denver but not for job purpose. I wonder what that could be (meeting my partner? :)....During the waiting, God also let me know that "He’s hiding the result FOR me not FROM me, just rest in Him because the battle belongs to Him". Now I saw the results and related political fights, I understand how much God loves me and save me under His wings.

After things became semi-official this week, the new boss talked to current boss, and asked me to decide, my heart was troubled by all sort of things to the point that I couldn’t even sleep at night - this has never happen to me. All the flesh desires and fear of future had weaken me. I was sitting up in the middle of night, reading psalms and other messages in the bible, trying to think clear. God comforted me and helped me clear my mind this morning. God’s presence is the most powerful comfort.... Now I am much more confident about the future. This will be a season to prepare myself both spiritually and professionally. I’m looking forward to those uncertainties - where I shall see God!

God is Love~