If you try to catch my feelings, then you'd better try what I think then you will know what is my feeling think about the thought, hahaha
嗯,不用想太多拉。想太多是人的毛病~ㄎㄎ ㄎ
送走那最後一程 人總是離苦得樂了吧 那些 受過的罪 承擔的重 撐起的累 都這樣跟著火焰昇華成了雲煙 會被記得的吧!? 抑或會被
https://tw.bid.yahoo.com/booth/Y8322063738 般波手工藝商店 🎀🎄✨ 🌟 來自慈母手中線,傳遞愛與溫暖的心意
Bal b/f 27 Tempos+8 Tempos=35 Tempos Bal c/f
If you try to catch my feelings, then you'd better try what I think then you will know what is my feeling think about the thought, hahaha