2014-09-26 05:05:58yoyo

貸款率利最低銀行 2014 Best way to clean wood floors

Choosing the right cleaner for your wood floors really depends on the finish. We offer a hardwax oil finish that is easy to clean and can be spot repaired. Learn more here:

Besides cleaning,貸款率利最低銀行 2014, here are some tips from reSAWN TIMBER co. to keeping your wood floors looking beautiful:

? Sweep or vacuum regularly to keep your floor free of dust and eliminate abrasives that can scratch the finish,中古車貸款利率. Beater bars and dirty wheels on your vacuum can mar your floor,高雄汽車借款.
? Quickly wipe up any spills from the floor to protect wood from excess liquids.
,汽車貸款? Use mats outside and inside entrances so sand and other rough particles cannot build up on the floor. Avoid mats with rubber or other dense backings that will block airflow beneath rugs or might retain abrasives and humidity.
? Use mats near sinks, dishwasher and workstations to protect your floor from cooking tools, water, soaps,貸款, oils, and other kitchen mishaps.
? Stick felt pads under all furniture or chair legs so they can easily slide and to avoid scratches. Always keep such pads clean. Check often for signs of wear, in which case replace promptly.
? Large soft polyurethane or rubber casters are much better than narrow hard plastic casters,高雄汽車借款.
? Protect your floor when moving heavy furniture. One idea: Turn a mat over and then place a piece of plywood on it. Put furniture on this so it can slide smoothly over your floor. Make sure the mat’s surface is clean and free of sand, rocks, or other abrasive objects.
? Pointed objects such as spiked heels or sport shoes, can easily damage the finish of your floor especially if worn or damaged. Water and sand are the worst enemies of hardwood floors. Next are spiked heeled shoes. This is true for all floor surfaces, even concrete flooring.
? Keep the relative humidity level between 35-55% for your health as well as for your wood floors and wood furnishings. Wood is a natural material that absorbs and releases moisture depending on the relative humidity. With high humidity,車貸, wood absorbs the excess humidity and expands, which can cause buckling in the flooring. Keep the humidity level down by using a dehumidifier or dehumidifying air conditioning system or with a heating system and good ventilation. During dry periods (periods of low relative humidity),台北當鋪, wood releases moisture and will contract and shrink which can cause gaps between strips and even cupping.
? If the relative humidity is low, use a humidifier to reduce shrinking of the wood. Engineered flooring is not as prone to movement as traditional solid wood flooring, but it is still subject to the physical laws of nature and can shrink or expand in very dry or extremely humid environments.
? Pet claws should be trimmed regularly to avoid scratching floors.
? Your floor should be protected from sunlight and intense artificial lighting to reduce discoloration. Wood naturally changes color over time and with exposure to light. This is a natural phenomenon with all wood surfaces. Different kinds of wood will change color to varying degrees. You can minimize this color change by moving around furniture and carpets and reducing strong light sources. If you follow the above preventive maintenance suggestions, you shall enjoy the beauty of your floor for a very long time.