2014-09-14 22:08:05yoyo

高雄搬家 Crunchyroll - Megahouse Stocks Up Nisekoi, Gundam Bui


Megahouse is getting ready to weather the change in seasons with a slate of bishoujo figures planned for winter. A Sekai Seifuku Sakusen line 1/10th scale Chitoge Kirisaki for and Yamato Girls Collection - Space Battleship Yamato 2199 1/8th scale Yuki Mori (Pilot Suit Ver.) for 9,高雄搬家公司,990yen are due in December. They're followed by a Gundam Girls Generation - Gundam Build Fighters Aila Jyrkiainen,倉儲管理, due in January for .

Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site,搬家. Follow him on Twitter at,高雄搬家.