2002-11-02 06:38:12Yiling


Eureka, 加州北部的濱海小鎮, 淘金時代的熱鬧風華已然沒落, 但是空氣中凝結的海鹽味依舊, 在晨霧中丰姿綽約的維多利亞式建築依舊。

行經此地, 我停下腳步, 閱讀。
然後閱讀這塊碑上的名字, 以及承載這些名字的生命。
如同閱讀畢爾羅逖的冰島漁夫, 描繪著極圈美麗無邊的海洋, 使得男子願為她捨身離鄉, 留下為男子寡宿的女眷們。

面對潮汐漲落, 星月昇降, 日子是否被推擠得更加漫長難耐?

因為陸地留不住魁梧強壯的生命, 所以只能細細的把名字記憶在這裡。


Photo: "In the Memory of Fishermen Lost At Sea."
~ 攝於 Eureka, California.


LOST AT SEA ----- by Yiling

It stands in silence witnessing those names disappeared in the sea but later being carved here to be remembered by their loved ones. The air is salty and smells like tears.

This reminds me a novel, "Pecheurs d'Islande" written by a French writer Pierre Loti (1850-1923).
It is one of the best oceanic literature that was ever written. Unlike Herman Melville's "Moby Dick" depicting the whaling activity, or Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea", where the character is set on an old fisherman; "Pecheurs d'Islande" presents the most beautiful and detailed description about the sea of the polar circle, and delicate portrays the life of the fishing villages, where all men who love fishing lost at the sea. And finally, women in generations end up sobbing without tears and waiting for no hope from the ocean. Their hearts lost at sea, too.

It was cloudy and soon-to-rain kind of weather when we arrived the port. By standing over the grand pathetic scene, I suddenly lost the appetite for seafood.