2011-02-17 15:57:56甘益光

Mr. L

First voice in the tunnel: Can you pretend this is a wormhole?
Second voice in the tunnel: What hole?
First voice in the tunnel: Wormhole.

A man answers the phone.
Voice answering the phone: Hello. Who would you like to speak to?
Oh, you've got the wrong number.

Leo is talking on the phone.
Leo: Hello, Is Blanche Leigh there?...Hi, this is Leo. How are
you?...Oh, I am your friend on Facebook...yes, Facebook.
Don't you remember? You gave me your phone number, so I just
called to say hello... eh, I wonder if you, if you eh..., oh,
you're busy? Sorry. OK, bye.
 Leo: (talking to himself) Kindness of a stranger... yeah.

Leo is alone in his room.
Louie: Hey, Leo.
Leo: Who's there?
Louie: It's me. I am your friend.
Leo: I have no friend. (Leo looks around) Where are you?
Louie: I am here.
Leo: Where?
Louie: Here.
Leo: How come I cannot see you. Stop making fun of me. Are you a
Louie: Of course not. I've told you before. I'm your friend. We met
at Marienbad last year.
Leo: Are you sure?
Louie: Yes. You've got a poor memory, you know. By the way, I am
Mr. L. You can call me Louie.
Leo: Mr. L...., Louie?
Louie: Yes.
Leo: You said we met at Marienbad, but I don't even know where
Marienbad is. I think you're lying. You're only pretending.
Louie: Why should I be lying? Maybe you're the one who's
Leo: What?
Louie: Let me tell you this. I will never lie to you. I'm your friend.
Leo: Stop saying that. I have no friend. I like to be alone.

Leo is alone in a library.

Louie: What are you reading?
Leo: Kafka's novel. He is my favorite writer.
Louie: Yeah, you've got Kafka's loneliness.
Louie: What's that?
Leo: Eight and a half Kafkas. It's a short story. I wrote it myself.
Louie: Wow!

Louie: You are quite a loner, but you should know that no man is an
Leo: I am an island. Being alone is OK. The boat is alone. The train
is alone, too.
Louie: Don't say that. There are other boats. Yes, and other trains.
You're not alone.
Leo:  I don't need them. All I need is a miracle, not friendship.
Louie: What miracle?
Leo: I wanna be a dancer. I know it's impossible. After all, I'm a...
Louie: It's possible, Leo. I can make you a dancer. I will give you a
miracle. That's what friends are for.
Leo: Really? I'm such a lucky guy to have a friend like you, Louie.
Louie: Yes, Leo. You gotta believe me.
Leo: Blah blah blah! Yeah, you can make me a dancer, only in my
Louie: Yeah, sweet dreams.

Narrator: He lives in Taipei. He likes to get around town looking for the

 inspiration, because he is a writer. However, hardly anybody knows


He doesn't care if he's poor as long as he isn't starving. But he doesn't

make enough money for the living. He said to himself that lots of great

writers were starving before they became famous.
He has written a lot of novels, but published few. Maybe after he dies,

 critics will find out how talented he is. But, he isn't dead yet. Also, I

 don't think he is a good writer. Oh, sorry. Maybe he is dying, because

he is terribly ill.

He hasn't eaten anything for days. He lies in bed all day and can't get up

 at all. On the other hand, he will soon be discovered by critics.
After his works are appreciated, maybe he will win literary awards. His

novel will become best seller and be adapted into film.
"That famous writer and I have been friends for a long time. He used to

ask me how to write novels."
Some hardly know him claim to be his friends. I wonder if he will still be

alive then.
He's my best friend. We have known each other for more than 10 years.

 We both love writing and that's the reason why our friendship last, even

 though he isn't as talented as I am.
"Thank you for being so nice to me." he held my hand and said weakly,

 "Can you promise me one thing?"
"Please help me publish these novels," he handed me all his

unpublished works.
"Don't you worry; your wish is my command."
He died later. I didn't have money to publish his novels, so I burned 

all his works.
"Are you sure you burned them all? Maybe you changed the author's

name of his works into yours."
"It's impossible. His works aren't as good as mine. Why shoud I  do that

to humiliate myself?"
"Oh, yeah? Your short story, Nobody writes to Kafka, was written by

 him. He mailed it to my magazine, but was rejected."

"You're lying."
"Of course I am. Actually, I'm only kidding."
Really scared me. It's true that Nobody writes to Kafka was written by

him, though nobody knows that. My writing career is over later.
Lots of critics thought that Nobody writes to Kafka was my worst work.

 What's even worse, I can't write anything at all. Since I can't be a writer

any more, I just get around town like he used to do.
Leo googles Marienbad.

Leo: Last Year at Marienbad is a movie.You think you're in the movie,
but I am not.
Louie: Really? How about in a play or in a dream?
Louie: (A Midsummer Night's Dream)
O grim-look'd night!
O night with hue so black!
O night, which ever art when day is not!
O night, O night! alack, alack, alack,
I fear my Thisby's promise is forgot!
And thou, O wall, O sweet, O lovely wall,
That stand'st between her father's ground and mine!
Show me thy chink, to blink through with mine eyne!
But what see I? No Thisby do I see.
O wicked wall, through whom I see no bliss!
Cursed be thy stones for thus deceiving me!
Leo: Is that a movie too?
Louie: Who knows? Believe it or not, even though you're
not in a movie, I can make your dream come true.
Leo: I hope so.
Louie: Trust me.
Leo: Don't tell me you are an angel.
Louie: Maybe I am.

Voice on Escalator: Are you going upstairs to look for someone?
Voice on Escalator: Are you looking for an angel?

Leo starts dancing. He dances well. But it only lasts for a dance. After
the dance, Leo becomes a cripple again.
Leo: Where are you Louie? Where are you?... Please help me, my

friend. Come back! Come back! 

吳益倉 2011-03-27 14:37:05


Thank u 益倉 2011-03-27 18:15:10