2018-01-31 23:51:26甘益光


甘益光(Benjamin Gan)編導演的電影在數個國際影展有所斬獲。
德里國際短片電影節: 《湖的秘密》榮獲傑出短片獎,另亦入圍最佳導演、最佳製片及最佳編劇獎
義大利切法盧影展: 正式入選影片《時鐘記》與《L先生》
貝南城影展: 正式入選影片《時鐘記》
賽普勒斯PIEU 影展: 正式入選影片《湖的秘密》
聖毛羅影展: 正式入選影片《時鐘記》
南方影展: 《湖的秘密》入圍南方首獎、最佳實驗片獎及南方新人獎
十二個月影展: 《時鐘記》榮獲最佳劇情片獎、《湖的秘密》得最佳編劇獎,並以《L先生》得最佳音效設計獎,《時鐘記》同時也入圍最佳剪輯獎
Delhi Shorts International Film Festival: "Secrets of the Lakes", Winner of Short Film of Excellence. Nominee of Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Short Film and Best Production Award
Noida International Film Festival: "Mr. L", Winner of Festival Special Mention Award
Nominee of Best Director and Best Actor Award
Cefalù film festival Official Selection: "Your Clock" and "Mr. L"
Benin City Film Festival: Official Selection: "Your Clock"
Point in the Endless Universe, Cyprus: Official Selection: "Secrets of the Lakes"
San Mauro Film Festival: Official Selection: "Your Clock" 
12 Months Film Festival: "Your Clock", Winner of Best Feature Fiction Award; "Secrets of the Lakes"(Hu de mi mi), Winner of Best Screenwriter Award; "Mr. L", Winner of Best Sound Designer Award; "Your Clock", Nominee of Best Editor Award
South Taiwan Film Festival: "Secrets of the Lakes", Nominee of South Prize, South Competition Award, Experimental Film and New Director

從左至右: 《湖的秘密》,《時鐘記》,《L先生》