2007-03-22 17:02:15YCButterfly

三月二十一日, 美國國定種族和協日 翻譯自 Nicholas V.

作者 : Nicholas V

作者網站 : http://au.blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-9vufNvEnerRaLziLf5dY0MfYrUA-?cq=1

Today is designated by the United Nations as “Harmony Day”, a day dedicated to the elimination  of racial discrimination . It lamentable that in these days of supposed  tolerance, equality and equal opportunity, so many people are still being discriminated against  because of their race. Many countries have legislated to ensure equal treatment of people regardless of race, but even in those countries discrimination (either covert or overt) is still rampant.   U.S. Justice John Harlan in 1896 said: “Our Constitution is color-blind. The arbitrary separation of citizens,   on the basis of race... is a badge of servitude wholly inconsistent with civil freedom.” Wise words that should be heeded nowadays by many a person, not only in the USA, but all over the world.

翻譯 :

今天是美國政府訂定的 "和協日",  一個奉獻給令人不滿且悲痛的種族歧視的日子.
令人悔恨的是, 在容忍著假想的平等與公平之下的當今,  許多的人仍然因為膚色而受到歧視與不平待遇,
許多國家早已立法規定種族平等待遇條例, 然而這些國家裡依然是充斥著歧視 (僅管隱蔽又隱蔽).
美國法官約翰哈爾冷在1896年說到 : "我們的憲法是色盲的. 有能力行使公民權的公民任意行使種族分隔..., 正如同在自己身上套印一個奴役徽章, 完全與文明的自由不符!"
這睿智的說詞, 是應該讓現今全世界的每一個人都知道, 而不是只有美國人! 

Author and Philosopher
1694 - 1778



作者 : Nicholas V

作者網站 : http://au.blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-9vufNvEnerRaLziLf5dY0MfYrUA-?cq=1