2007-03-22 16:57:55YCButterfly

三月二十一日, 偉大的音樂家巴哈的生日 翻譯自 Nicholas V.


作者 : Nicholas V

作者網站 : http://au.blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-9vufNvEnerRaLziLf5dY0MfYrUA-?cq=1

Also today, it is Johann Sebastian Bach’s birthday (1685) is one of the greatest composers of all time. He was part of a great musical family and many of his own sons were great composers in their own right. His oeuvre encompasses all great forms of the baroque with the exception of opera. His music was all but forgotten until Felix Mendelssohn began the revival that re-established him as the master amongst the composers of the baroque.
His magnificent music is replete with command of form, originality, technical competency of the instrument and vocal parts he was writing for, as well as luscious melody and wonderful harmonies. Some of his works that I love are: Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue in D minor, BWV 903 - a heart rending work; Cantata No 4: Christus lag in Todesbanden a choral work for Easter; Keyboard Concerto in D minor BWV 1052; Fugue in G minor BWV 578, a little gem for the organ. His six Brandenburg Concertos BWV 1046-1051 are a set of masterworks that show off Bach’s genius most explicitly!

翻譯 :

三月二十一日 是永恆偉大的音樂家 約翰賽巴斯丁巴哈 的生日(1685). 他生長自一個了不起的音樂家庭, 而他的幾個兒子也個別都是擁有獨立作風的了不起的作曲家. 他的作品包含了所有巴洛克時期的格式以及當時型式尚未成熟的歌劇. 他的音樂在被世人遺忘了一段沉長的時間之後, 斐力士曼德爾頌發掘並重新整理出來, 使他成了巴洛克時期音樂作曲家的代表.
他華麗的音樂充滿了嚴謹的格式, 自然而流暢, 對於樂器技巧的表現能力, 以及聲樂部份的創作, 都是令人喜於聆聽, 並感到和諧愉快的旋律, 我喜愛他的作品有 :
半音階的幻想曲和D小調賦格曲, 叫人心躍的作品!
坎塔塔 第四號 : 克里斯特思 監禁於 陶得思貝登 , 為萬聖節寫作的合唱曲.
風琴獨奏曲 : 一顆小寶石.
布蘭登堡協奏曲 : 一組六首的協奏曲, 是明確地顯露了巴哈的天才的最主要的作品!


作者 : Nicholas V

作者網站 : http://au.blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-9vufNvEnerRaLziLf5dY0MfYrUA-?cq=1