2005-10-30 16:51:44Vincent


這十部全球獨一無二的十點四米富豪奧林匹克 (Volvo Olympians) 三軸巴士,主要服務於在一九九三年接手後乘客量不斷上升的多條赤柱路線。

這批巴士同樣包括在城巴的巴士翻新計劃內,並會與短陣利蘭奧林匹克 (205 – 236) 和短陣丹尼士巨龍 (702 – 740) 採用相同標準進行翻新。

This batch of 10 buses has remained unique in the world in being the only 10.4 metre 3 axle Volvo Olympians built. They were bought to meet the increasing demand on the Stanley routes which had been taken over in 1993.

These buses are also included in the refurbishment programme which is the same as the short Leyland Olympians (205 - 236) and short Dennis Dragons (702 - 740).