2004-07-29 10:51:29Dai Er Men De

There One Goes; There The Other comes

"My wife is in the states," he said without any obvious emotion.
"What?! You get your wife's email?" she asked.
"Nope. My dad told me my wife called him to say she's in Provo." he pointe at his emailbox.
"Er..well..I was only joking earlier if your wife would go to the US without informing you. It was just a random guess since your wife hadn't contacted you for a while, you know."
"Yeah, I know."
"Hmm, are you OK?"
"Yeah, I'm OK. Just surprised though."
"Well, I really dunno the way your wife thinks. At least, she had to tell you before leaving for America, didn't she? Though your relationship hasn't been good, yet you are still the father and will support them financially."
"That's her," he said with eyebrows rising.

The relationship is getting certain by that email. He'll stay here for a few years til he saves enough money for further studies in the states. Three years later, he'll be able to file a legal divorce in his residency. (They were looking for American divorce law sometime before) The point is if he will be determined to do that. His wife will be forced to sign the divorce certificate then. Will she try to commit suicide again in order to stop him?! That will be pretty nasty then. She is considering what status she should go to the USA with him as. Go with him before he's divorced?! Isn't it too unwise and silly? On the other hand, he won't be able to get divorced until he is back to the states. A catch 22, isn't it? -__-