2007-10-22 00:01:06yandii

colour quiz.

很準的測驗 ,

Your Existing Situation
Hopes to obtain an improved position and greater prestige, so that she can procure for herself more of the things she has had to do without.
其實唔係太明白 , 嘻

Your Stress Sources
Wishes to be independent, unhampered, and free from any limitation or restriction, other than those which she imposes of herself or by her own choice and decision 
對啦 , 好想變得獨立一點 . 其實現在一個人到日本去真的有點害怕 , 會不會冷死悶死 , 發現自己原來沒有地方睡覺嗚哇 :’<  
Your Restrained Characteristics
Trying to calm down and unwind after a period of over-agitation which has left her listless and devoid of energy. In need of peace and quiet; becomes irritable if this is denied him.
Willing to become emotionally involved as she feels rater isolated and alone. Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense, though she tries to avoid open conflict.
嗯嗯嗯 , 真的 , 早陣子的事情真的使我好不安煩亂 , 回想其實事情並不是那麼差 , 只是自己控制不到自己的心情 , 今天去便便的時候頓覺 , 早陣子的便秘其實真的是因為壓力太大吧 , 那些stress management skills不是沒有用 , 只是當事情發生時 , 其實那些真的很theory. 另外我真的很想become emotionally involved... 有時真的覺得自己好lonely好isolated... egocentric? 從來沒有這樣子想過自己 , 我真的是自我中心嗎 , 經常也為自己想藉口 , 不能夠接受批評 , 不能夠被責罵.... :’<  
Your Desired Objective
Wants contentment, physical ease, and the absence of conflict. Needs security and clings to it so as not to have to suffer loneliness or separation.  
使我想起會不會自己這陣子太stick with男友了 ? 很多時候都覺得好需要他 , 甚麼時候也想約他 , 認為他沒有甚麼特別要做的就可以陪我啦 . 有時覺得 , 趙希因其實不是如此可以一個人生活吧 , 壓根底兒很想有一個人被我依賴著 ... 
Your Actual Problem
Seeks security and a position in which she will no longer be troubled by demands being made on him.
對啦 , demands made on me其實只是自己make的 .. 我是不是太對自己沒有信心啦 ? ... 希望自己變得更靚 , 更醒 , 更smart , 更sociable , 冇咁膚淺 , .. 很undermine自己的self esteem.


上一篇:i count my blessings.
