2008-06-09 22:19:43珏吟




From Archangel Michael’s message for June 2008 through Celia Fenn:

We will offer you this suggestion, dearest ones, as you deal with the shifts and changes. Rely on your Heart and your Feelings at this time, rather than your mind and its judgments. Know that the New Energy creates feelings of Love, Support and Joy. If you experience fear, anxiety or anger, then you are dealing with old energies, and these may be created by "illusions" that you are still holding, including the "illusion" of what the Ascension process should be and how it should feel and how you should deal with it. Don’t seek to blame others or look for the "answers" out there, go within, and see where you may be projecting old energies through habits of feeling and perception.

These are miraculous times, and you are truly Creators of your own Perceptual Reality, and what you experience is what you hold within yourself. So, we ask that you strive to be balanced, loving, supportive and discerning at all times. Know that you exist within the River of Life and Abundance from Source, and that what you need will manifest as you have need. There is no reason to fear the changes, as they bring you closer to the Heart and Mind of God, to the God Consciousness within yourself. So, at this time of the Venus transit, followed by the Solstice on the 21st of June, we ask that you hold the energies of Joy and Peace in your Heart as the Planet re-births to Higher Consciousness.