2008-06-08 22:48:45珏吟


Stephanie’s Daily Forecast: Sunday, June 8, 2008


以下這篇channel除了在談論當天的宇宙能量狀態,其中,特別引用Archangel Michael的教導,解釋太陽和金星從2004年開始的合相直到2012年結束,如何影響地球人類的靈性轉變,尤其今年2008年,更是這個循環的中心點,地球人類將面臨靈性覺醒的一大步,也是DNA被解碼的重要契機.....

The personal unfoldment continues as the Sun and Venus make a super conjunction out of this day, with a parallel between the two around dawn and a conjunction at the very end of the day (tomorrow morning in some places). This is a very important aspect, the superior conjunction, which occurs as part of a major 8 year cycle, and this one ends in 2012.

I reprint the words of Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn to explain this phenomenon:

This present Venus transit is linked to the previous transit four years ago in 2004, and represents the exact mid point of an 8 year Venus cycle that began in 2004 and ends in 2012. The Venus/Sun transit in 2004 marked the beginning of a powerful surge of awakening and transformation on the Planet, and allowed for many of you to begin your journey into Higher Consciousness. We will explain why this energy is so powerful at this time. The Sun, in your Solar System, carries the archetypal Solar Masculine energy, called Ra by the Ancient Egyptian wisdom. Venus carries the energy of the Archetypal Divine Feminine, represented by Hathor, the Goddess of Beauty, Love, Art and Music. The transit of the Sun by Venus represents the archetypal Cosmic Dance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine as they weave their Creative Light in your Planetary "Heaven". In 2004, this was an especially powerful moment for the Earth. The Divine Feminine energy had been slowly returning to the frequencies of your Collective Consciousness, assisted by the Indigo and Crystal children and those awakened Lightworkers who were able to carry the energy. It was strong enough in 2004 for this Divine Dance of Twin Flame energies in the Heavens to initiate a powerful surge of Creative and Transformative energy in the Collective Consciousness. Many people began their individual journey of Transformation, and many Soulmate and Twin Flame unions were created in the wake of this dance of the Sun and Venus.

Now, at this midpoint time, you are in the position to make another huge leap of Consciousness. Beloved Ones, you have, at this time, activated your Grail Codes and you are able to be in perfect inner balance, to be a "mirror" of the perfect balance in the Heavens. You are now able to receive the Galactic and Cosmic Information Codes directly from the Great Central Sun into your Pineal Glands and then into your DNA to activate the Divine Will within each cell of your body as a receiver of Divine Light and Grace. You are ready and prepared to be a new species, Divine Humans or Human Angels, who are an exact balance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies, one within themselves, able to receive the Creative Codes from the Source and to exercise their Divinely given gifts as Co-Creators of a New Reality. These New Codes will direct the next phase of your evolution and that of Earth. In this next four-year cycle of Venus leading to 2012, you will receive the new energies of Transformation directly from the Great Central Sun and from Source. The Blue Star Earth will begin to evolve as an independent being, and you will be the guiding "Creators" of the New Earth reality in co-operation with Spirit. And you will exercise your "right" as Creators through the Choices that you make for the New Earth.

The Moon is void for most of this day, so allow your divine feminine energies to have free reign and contemplate what it means to be a Human Angel.