2011-06-21 23:27:32Tempsfuit

不滿足 所以 不快樂?

我的理性和感性再次成功的分裂, 於是我再次變成廢人.

理性來說, 我很清楚的知道如何解脫出現況.
我的一切煩惱, 來自於不滿足, 來自於要求太高.

比如, 我沒有喜歡的人, 因為大部份人沒有達到我的標準.
但是, 遇到少數達標的人, 我又不行動, 因為我覺得自己也沒達到標準.
所以, 我努力讓自己更好, 我想先達到我心裡覺得滿意的狀況, 再去談戀愛. 這也沒什麼.
但是, 我又很怕很怕寂寞, 很想有人陪.
所以我一邊拉著一個70分的男友, 另一邊又不完全付出我的真實感情.
如果我聰明一點, 麻木一點, 自私一點, 這也沒什麼.
可是偏偏我又傻傻的愧疚, 傻傻的覺得這樣不行, 良心過不去.
所以我想分手, 但是分手後又害怕寂寞.

又比如, 說到標準, 我對自己苛刻的狠.
我要英文更流利. 我要中文更標準.
我要能閱讀紅樓夢, 又要能討論Jungian psychology和metaphysics.
可是, 我又要有幽默感, 要環遊世界, 要有品味, 懂時尚, 懂電影, 懂音樂, 懂歷史, 懂人文, 懂科學.
我也不知道是我太看重我自己, 覺得我可以完成超人任務,
還是我太自卑, 必須靠這些配件來裝飾自己?
最最靠北的是, 我要求自己談吐中不能炫耀, 因為'真正有內涵的女子, 從來不說自己讀過什麼書, 去過什麼地方'.
很想問我自己那我這麼忙到底是在忙什麼?! 我是個瘋子?!

如果我的理性開口, 它會這樣分析:
我根本就不愛我自己. 我也不愛我的男朋友.
我應該和我男朋友分手. And get a vibrator.

Just kidding.

不要太刻意追求知識和內涵 - 等我越變越老我自然會擁有它.
別人會愛我因為我是我, 而不是因為我知道Botticelli的Birth of Venus在Uffizzi. 
我應該花時間去學習的是變得更體貼, 更寬容, 更溫婉, 說話更有耐心.
我要學習怎麼經營感情, 怎麼讓身邊的朋友因為我而快樂.
換言之, 我應該學習如何做一個更好的人, 而不是一個擁有更多東西的人.

這些道理我都太明白了, 但是感性偏偏不讓我的計劃平穩進行.
是hormones的關係?! 還是我遠比我想象中失控?

比如, 有些話我明知道說出來我會很後悔,
可是我還是要對方比我高, 比我順眼, 要有氣質, 至少去過歐洲, 至少英文中文要流利, 皮膚要黑, 要聰明進取, 對人生有夢想有計劃.
太好了, 最好我是能被這種人看中!
所以, 我很不快樂, 因為, 我很不滿足.
因為, 我很不快樂, 所以, 我更不滿足.
如果我把這些不滿足和不快樂的精力, 用在對的地方, 我大概已經考進哈佛大學了.

還在固執什麼, 還在任性什麼, 還在瘋癲什麼?
我不需要心理醫生, 連Stevie Wonder都能看見的毛病, 我就這麼傻改不了?

上一篇:Time to straighten up soldier


Claire 2012-06-26 00:37:51


難道你是我尋找一輩子的孿生姊妹? 2012-06-26 16:16:19
connie 2012-01-17 01:24:32


是啊, 我現在也在慢慢學習平衡快樂和野心. 記得亦舒以前小說裡說過一句話影響我很深, 她說'快不快樂, 已經是題外的事, 因為一開始追求的就不是快樂', 大概是這樣的意思吧.
我把這句話誤解成, 但凡是認真在做的事, 都不能快樂. 還好現在領悟過來了, 若能快樂的達到目標, 才是更高一層的境界.
2012-01-17 08:21:08
ari 2011-06-23 12:38:56

My dear, I can concur with much of what you said above - I have the same sort of anxieties. That is to say, I have high expectation of myself on all fronts, then I gradually saw that there certain fields will never be my forte, say, for example, fashion & science. Nevertheless, I expect myself to be have the basic knowledge to follow discourses in all disciplines on the human science/liberal arts front. And then there are certain areas, like literature, films & theology, where I expect myself to be well-versed and learned.

What can I say? It hasn't been an easy feat even if I've relinquished most grounds. I am anxious about my lack of knowledge and erudition all the time. And on top of this there are my other no less acute anxieties about my personality, relationships with my family, friends & acquaintances, my not being more 'spiritual' and more charitable. In short, I constantly worry about not being a decent human being.

Anyway, I guess what I wanted to say is that you are not alone and I think a reasonable does of anxiety is necessary to keep us alert and hardworking XP The trick is to find the balance, and I struggle too.

As for erudition and cultivation, I think they do eventually become a part of you. There is no point if one sought them simply for decorative means - they are simply too time-consuming. Whatever you don't need will simply be weed out by time, so don't worry!

Anyway, enough rambling on my part, ciao for now.

Lol no please ramble on old friend, it's always assuring to know I'm not the only outcast here.

Anyhoo, the balance of life is a life long task, more zen required perhaps? Is Jesus helping you out much?
2011-06-24 13:01:10