2019-01-26 10:37:45xxttdb7nxzbl

【本日刷卡購物折扣】Brevi Bath and Changing Unit Bagnotime 結婚送禮推薦推薦產品

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Brevi Bath and Changing Unit Bagnotime送禮新上市 設計式樣: Multicolor · 2018

The Brevi bath and changing unit Bagnotime is going to be the ultimate place to cuddle and bathe your baby right on top of your own bathtub. It requires only a minimum of space since you can lift your child out of the bathtub and put him directly onto the changing mat next to it. The Brevi Bagnotime keeps everything in one place - you don't have to convert it or even carry your little one around the whole flat for bathing and changing him.

The Bagnotime can be adjusted in six different height levels which is perfect for adapting it to the height of mom and dad - stress-free and in a back-friendly way. Provided that the maximum width of your bathtub is not more than 90 cm and its minimum width is not less than 70 cm, the bath and changing unit fits on almost all bathtubs even on those with an uneven shape. All clamping feet can be adjusted individually. By European standards, the Bagnotime bath and changing unit is suitable for babies right from birth up to a weight of 11 kg.

A matching bathtub which can be attached to the right or left side of the unit - depending on where the taps are - is also included in delivery. Once your little one's bathing session is over, he can enjoy and relax while lying on the soft changing mat. Three high side edges prevent him from falling down. Due to its back-friendly height, the Brevi Bagnotime ensures a super comfy and relaxing snuggling and cuddling time for both baby and parents.

In order to drain the water, simply open the drain. If the bathtub is not needed, the Brevi Bagnotime does only take 82 cm of space for changing your little one. Flexible, back-friendly and perfectly adaptable - this practical bath and changing unit, made in Italy, will convince you right from the start.


  • Age suitability: from birth up to approx. 12 months (up to 11 kg)

  • Available in various designs

  • Including draining pipe, bathtub, changing pad

  • Changing pad: 57 x 75 cm, 3 cm high side edges

  • Adjustable in 6 different height levels

  • Clamping feet can be adjusted individually, front feet 6 - 14 cm, back feet up to 20 cm

  • Size: H 51 - 62 x D 71,5 - 90 x W 82 - 125 cm

  • Weight: 9,5 kg

  • Made in Italy




Brevi Bath and Changing Unit Bagnotime





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8月16日美國司法部推出最新判例Matter of L-A-B-R- et al., 27 I&N Dec. 405 (A.G. 2018),規定移民法官只有在被告「證明正當的理由」情況下才能批准其延庭的動議(Motion to Continuance)。幾個月前,BIA先出了對廣大申請者不利的Castro-Tum判例,移民法官和上訴委員會不再有行政關閉的權利,而如今這個判例也是和川普政府加快遞解程式、解決積壓案件的政策背景相吻合的。

移民法8 C.F.R. § 1003.29這一條款早已明確移民法官有權在「證明正當的理由」情況下才能批准延庭的動議。然而,法律並沒有定義什麼樣的理由算是「正當理由」,所以法官在裁決時有其自由衡量權。目前由於很多在上庭中的人,害怕案子輸了獲得遞解令從而被遣返,不少人在庭上欲以家屬移民或勞工移民方式來調整身份。在Matter of L-A-B-R-這一判例中對於法官的延庭決定,政府律師表示反對,即可上訴到BIA。




Brevi Bath and Changing Unit Bagnotime

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