2010-09-15 16:37:09MJ


紅點設計獎best of the best


  不管懷孕這件事是不是預期的,胎兒是一個最靠近我們、最微小的生命起源,新生命已經在母體內啟航,展開一場撼動人心又華麗的冒險。「愛神號」製作動機源自我對生命的看法,當消極充斥在一些人身上時,甚至悲觀到虐待自己的生命時,是否能夠找回那最初始,屬於自己生命力的感動呢?原來找到生命的熱情,心中是這麼的溫暖,不自覺的也跟著幸福微笑了。生命的韌性,比想像中堅強;生存的力量,比想像中震撼。生命萬歲!Viva la Vida!

A Journey of Ripening. A Battle for Life.

"Eros" depicts 277-day life journey through a video game setting. The main character is the battle aircraft named "Eros", transformed from a little baby. The baby keeps moving on inside the mother's womb, struggling against adversity and pacifying each crisis. In the film, there are obstacles against the prospering of life, including the parents' emotions and argument, and external contamination. There are also joy and expectation such as the meeting through ultrasound images. The video game setting of the film launches the fascinating adventure of the baby aircraft battling all the way to the end. "Boss" is the final threatening demon who implies the unpredictable chaos, confusing darkness, and enormous hidden power of the universe. What Boss uses to attack Eros is the violent beam of light, which symbolizes that the world outside could be bright and attractive, but at the same time unsafe and frightening. In the end of the journey, could Eros face the world fearlessly, letting out a cry that is so heartbreaking yet filling us with warmth and happiness?
Whether or not the pregnancy is planned, the baby is a little darling closest to us, beginning the life as an exciting adventure in the womb. The making of "Eros" reflects my attitude towards life. Can people retrieve their earliest eagerness and affection for life when misfortune and affliction befall them? Finding love and passion for life is so satisfying that we can't help smiling with it. Life is stronger than what we think it is, and its existence is more powerful than what we can imagine. Life is wonderful. Viva la Vida!

台灣學生揚名國際!歷史悠久的德國紅點設計獎(Red Dot Design Awards)公布傳達設計類得獎名單,台灣科技大學五支動畫獲獎,二十一歲李珮雯的「愛神號」以電動遊戲溫暖描繪嬰兒胚胎兩百七十七天成長過程,拿下最高肯定best of the best,年底將與全球另八件作品角逐紅點Junior Prize年輕設計師獎,是台灣競逐該獎首例。



  已有五十年歷史的紅點設計獎分產品設計、視覺傳達與概念獎,與iF獎被譽為「設計奧斯卡」。今年視傳類吸引全球六千件作品參賽,僅六百一十件可獲紅點獎,其中僅數件可奪best of the best。台灣過去曾有兩學生奪best of the best、但是都非動畫。
