2002-09-15 17:45:03塞薇亞西與瑞典達


在臺灣 我們的加油站總是站著年輕的工讀生 大叫”歡迎光臨”
還有加到一定的金錢 贈送獎品或是洗車服務
可是 在瑞典 他們竟然沒有人在加油站工作 初看之餘 我以為是荒廢無人用的加油站 原來~他們的加油站 是自助式無人加油站 自己加油 自己算錢 完全DIY 先看看要加多少的油 要加的油一共是多少 再投錢進去 油才會出來
我覺得很新鮮 回臺灣後 在西西還未去西班牙前 我們見了幾次面 我告訴她這件事 她說: 在西班牙也是這樣! 奇怪?! 我跟西西在西班牙完全是靠11路跟大眾交通工具 她為什麼會知道西班牙跟瑞典一樣 也是自助無人的加油站呢?!

In Taiwan the gas station is special. There are some young people has part-time job in gas station, they have to say: Welcome! To each greaser, if you pay for gas more then a price, gas station will give you present or have car wash. When I was in Sweden, I saw their gas station, no one works there. It’s so weird. Later, I knew, they must know how much gas they want it, how much gas for the price, and then do it by your won.
I think it’s interesting, when I came back to Taiwan, I told SiSi(CC) about this interesting thing (before she went to Spain, we met several times), then she told me: Yeah, it’s the same thing in Spain. Why?! Sisi and I didn’t have car in Spain, we usually walk or took MRT, and how come she knows Swedish and Spaniard the gas station must do it by your won, because there is no one works in gas station.