美國猶他州精武體育會][美國孫臏拳總會]是由我的學生榮偉佛及美國猶他州弘揚中國傳統武術開拓者~武術家:Shifu Adam Woolsey 創辦的,他們遵循精武先賢的習武精神介紹給美國猶他州的熱愛武術習武者對中國傳統武術以至於中國文化的認識和了解,從而懂得珍惜我國寶貴的傳統文化,繼承璀璨的中國武術遺產,他們正火熱的攜手把中華國粹發揚光大,發揚傳統正統的中國武術。使能武術在海外得以發揚光大,宏揚國粹,薪火相傳,真實地在美國猶他州傳播下去讓外國人了解中華武術文化精神,學會尊師重道~永銘師恩,這是值得喝采,讓中華武術文化,武德精神及精湛武技,代代傳承下去。
[美國猶他州精武體育會][美國孫臏拳總會]是由我的學生榮偉佛及美國猶他州弘揚中國傳統武術開拓者~武術家:Shifu Adam Woolsey 創辦的
[especially by thisannouncement]. This overseas martial arts disciple: Rong Weifu ~ enables the martial arts to be able ~ in the overseas to propagate the national essence, the torch hands down, disseminates really in the US lets the foreigner understand that the Chinese martial arts culture spirit, the academic society honors the teacher and respects his teachings ~ to keep in mind eternally teacher graciousness, this is worth cheering, lets Chinese martial arts culture ~ Wu De the spirit and the exquisite feat of arms, generation of inherits. ..............................therefore [especially by This announcement] Wu Guan the English name is called monk wise martial art the academy Chinese name to be called Jin'gang wisdom martial arts institute http://monkwise.com/ Address: Holladay Location 3934 South 2300 East Holladay, UT 84124
Kung Fu
It is a widely held belief that Kung Fu is the martial art from which all modern martial arts developed.
It began as a simple system of exercises to improve a Buddhist monk’s focus during meditation and to aid in self defense while traveling throughout China, Asia and the rest of the world.
Tai Chi
T’ai Chi Ch’uan (pronounced ‘tie chee chuwan’), also known as Tai Chi or Taijiquan is one of the most ancient forms of Chinese martial arts. It is known as \\\\\\"the grand ultimate\\\\\\" and it is possibly the most widely practiced martial art in the world.
Read moreYouth Programs
Martial Arts helps kids build confidence, self-esteem, self-discipline, respect, concentration, and courtesy.
We offer your child a chance for you to learn privately or in a group.