2007-10-29 22:09:38...

她好可愛喔~ ^.^ 『☆~小餅兒~☆和小白的交友檔案~』

大家安安呀~ ^_^

啊...奇摩交友是秀逗了喔...怎麼會配一個住在”歐洲”的女生給我~ @@”

雖然她看起來好有氣質的感覺~ 只是...



☆~小餅兒~☆的自我介紹: (以下懶得翻譯,是我要跟她交朋友咩~ >”<)

I am ordinary - with a unique spirit.
I am silly - but very cute. (Wu~ 非常cute耶~ ^^)
I am childish - often hurt people who love me.
I am stubborn - because I have my principle.
I am queer - sometimes I don’t even get myself.
I am pessimistic - I don’t believe the existence of eternal love.
I am navie - believe that human nature is good.
I am contradictory - after all what do you expect from a woman?
I am conscientious - towards relationship, friendship or work.
I am brave - never stop giving even there’s always a risk to get hurt.
I am earnest - achieving the targets!

This is me.


Location: (居住地)
London, England - Taipei, Taiwan (也有台北耶~ ^__^ 倫敦‧英國)

Hobbies and Interests: (她的習慣和興趣~)
Music, Traveling, Reading, Food, Photography (跟我好像喔~ ^^)

Favorite Books: (她最愛的書~)
Osho - Aloneness and Loneliness, The Fear of Intimacy, Fernando Trias De Bes - The Time Seller

Favorite Movies: (她最愛的電影~)
Sleepless in Seattle, French Kiss, Roman Holiday

Favorite Music: (她最愛的音樂)
When You Say Nothing At All(Ronan Keating)
I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing(Aerosmith)

About Me: (關於她)
I am easy-going, considerate, understanding, fun to be with, interesting but weird sometimes. I like music especially jazz and classical. I enjoy leaning against the sofa listening to light jazz in a lounge bar sipping a colourful cocktail alone or with friends. I am into philosophy enjoy discussing anything deep and spiritual.

I love traveling and it always inspires me. Experience in itself reminds one how important it is just to be alive. I feel it is vital to appereciate what we have even if that is just life itself. I remind myself how lucky I am everyday just being alive especially when things are not going well. No matter what your experience you can gain something positive from it. That is the reason for living.

When love is there, enjoy it. When it leaves, forgive, forget and move - treasure and cherish every moment.


以下是我奇摩交友裡的資料~ ^^”