2004-06-16 11:59:01BLADE


We see a shot of the Nutter Center and the announcers show us the footage from the Hell in the Cell match. The two men went through long and hard-fought match, but at the end, Triple H emerged victorious. Too bad we didn’t get to see any top of the cage action. Now that would have been cool.

The announcers then recap Bischoff telling Kane that he is not the #1 contender to the title. Kane proceeds to destroy Bischoff’s office and then later on, he then attacks Shawn Michaels. The announcers then update us on HBK’s condition as we go to commercial, up next will be the Six Man Elimination Match.

Main Event (Six Man Tag Elimination) - Evolution vs. Chris Jericho, Edge, & Chris Benoit:

Lilian Garcia explains the rules of the match and then Evolution makes their way down to the ring.

Yay! Edge has finally returned with his trenchcoat. Now only if he would start using the Edgecution and Edgecator, then the Edge I knew and loved will have returned.

Jericho and Orton kick things off. They lock up and then break it off. They try again and Jericho goes behind Orton to take him down. Jericho puts Orton into a bow and arrow lock and Orton mounts some offense with punches and a headlock take over. Jericho puts Orton into a headscissors and Flair is tagged in. Flair wrenches Jericho’s arm and Jericho counters with the same. Jericho takes Flair down with a shoulder block and then hits him with chops.

Flair backs Jericho into his corner and Batista gets in some cheap shots. Flair hits some chops followed by a snapmare. He hits Jericho with a knee drop and tags in Batista. Batista knees Jericho in the gut and then body slams him. Batista goes for a pin, but Jericho kicks out. Batista rams Jericho into his corner and Flair is tagged in. Flair goes for a punch, but Jericho blocks it and they exchange blows. Jericho has the upper hand as he connects with chops and then a back drop.

Jericho tags in Edge and he hits a back drop on Flair. He clotheslines Flair over the top and then Orton tries to get involved, but Benoit comes in to break it up. Batista gets in, but is double teamed by Jericho and Benoit. Edge and Jericho double dropkick Batista out of the ring as we go to commercial.

Back on RAW, Flair and Benoit are in the ring and no one has been eliminated. Flair chops away at Benoit and then Benoit switches around and hits some chops of his own. Flair takes his patented dive, but now he’s back up and the two exchange blows. Flair inadvertently gets into Benoit’s corner, where he is double teamed. Another patented dive and Edge is tagged in.

Flair chops away at Edge and Edge clotheslines Flair. Flair begs for mercy, but Edge goes up to hit the 10 punches. Flair hits an atomic drop to break it up and Flair tags in Orton.

Orton punches Edge into the corner where he continues to punch him. Whips are exchanged and Edge takes down Orton. Benoit is tagged in and they double team Orton. Benoit hits a vertical suplex, but Orton comes back with knees to the gut. Orton tags in Batista and they double team Benoit.

Benoit comes back with chops, but Batista hits a spinebuster as Benoit bounces off the ropes. Benoit is set up for Batista’s powerbomb, but Jericho comes in only to be attacked by Batista. Orton is tagged in and he hits a fist drop. Orton uppercuts Benoit and goes for a pin, but Benoit kicks out. Orton tags in Flair and Flair stomps on Benoit.

Flair hits a chop and goes for a pin, but Benoit kicks out. Flair puts Benoit’s left arm into an arm bar, and Benoit is screaming in pain. Benoit works his way up, but Flair chops him back down. Benoit comes back with punches, and Batista is tagged in as Flair trips up Benoit.

Batista hits a vertical suplex to put fear into Benoit’s corner. Batista goes for a pin, but Benoit kicks out. Batista whips Benoit hard into the turnbuckle and then rams his shoulder into Benoit’s back. Batista tries for another one, but Benoit gets out of the way, causing Batista to be introduced to the ringpost. Jericho is tagged in and he chops at Batista. Batista whips Jericho, and then catches Jericho. Jericho floats out of it and shoves Batista into the ropes followed by a chop block.

Jericho tries to put Batista in the Walls, but Batista fights his way out of it. Jericho hits his running knee on Batista as he is hung up on the ropes, but Batista comes back by taking out Benoit and Jericho.

Fast forward, Edge hits the Spear on Batista and Benoit follows it up with the flying headbutt. To end the trifecta, Jericho runs in and pins Batista after hitting the Lionsault. Batista is now eliminated from the match-up and it’s now Jericho vs. Flair.

Flair punches Jericho in the gut, followed by a swift kick. The crowd chants “na, na, na, goodbye” to Batista. Flair is still in control as he chops away at Jericho. Flair tags in Orton and Orton stomps away at Jericho. Orton hits a snapmare and then cinches in a very aggressive rear chinlock. Y2J chants are heard and Jericho is working his way up. Jericho fights out of it, but Orton clubs down on his back. Orton bounces off the ropes, but Jericho comes back with the Flashback. Orton is now busted open and Edge is tagged in.

Edge clotheslines Orton and hits a vertical suplex. Edge goes for the pin, but Orton kicks out. Edge whips Orton into the corner, but Orton kicks out. Orton goes up top, but Edge punches him down. Edge goes up to try for a superplex, and it connects as both competitors come crashing down.

Edge is ready to spear Orton, but Triple H trips him up before he can execute it. Orton tags in Flair and he whips Edge hard into two of the corners. He chops Edge down and follows it up with a rolling knee drop. Edge comes back with a flying forearm and these hands need a break from typing.

Flair goes up top, but we all know that won’t work as Edge tosses him off and tags in Jericho. Jericho chops away at Flair and follows it up with a back drop. Jericho hits a flying forearm and he is all fired up. Jericho goes to pin Flair, but Orton breaks it up. Benoit comes in and tosses Orton to the outside. They are now fighting on the outside as Benoit punches him.

Jericho tries to put Flair in the Walls, but Triple H comes in to distract the ref and Flair taps out. Orton hits the RKO on Jericho and Flair rolls over to pin Jericho. Jericho is now eliminated from the match-up as we go to our last commercial break. (Thank God!)

Back on RAW, Benoit and Orton are in the ring and Benoit is in control. Orton rakes Benoit’s face and he tags in Flair. They double team Benoit, but Benoit fights them both off. Benoit chops away at Flair and Flair tries for a punch, but Benoit blocks it and takes him down.

Flair begs for mercy, but Benoit kicks him and follows it up with a snap suplex. Flair begs for mercy again, but Benoit isn’t hearing any of it. Flair takes a third trademark dive, but he comes back with a punch. Benoit tags in Edge and Flair hits a knee to the gut. Edge is down with a thumb to the eye and Flair tags in Orton. Orton hits a knee drop and he goes for the pin, but Edge kicks out.

Orton hits a snapmare and puts him into an aggressive chinlock. Edge fights his way up, but Orton clubs down on his back. Edge hits a flying heel kick and Edge quickly tags in Benoit. Benoit chops away on Orton and clotheslines him. Benoit whips Orton and hits the kitchen sink. Benoit goes for the pin, but Orton kicks out.

Orton hits a kitchen sink of his own and tags in Flair. Flair struts around the ring and puts Benoit in the corner. Orton wants the tag as the two exchange blows. Benoit hits two rolling Germans before Orton comes in and tries to attack Benoit, only to be hit with a German suplex. Benoit tosses Orton out and he goes back to work on Flair.

Flair whips Benoit and Benoit comes back with a flying shoulder block. Flair tags in Orton and Benoit tags in Edge. Edge clotheslines Orton and Edge hits a flying forearm. Flair tries to get involved, but Edge hits a back drop on both men. Edge spears Flair, which allows Orton sneak up and low blow Edge. Orton follows it up with the RKO and Edge is now eliminated from the match.

Orton tags in Flair and Flair tries to put Benoit in the figure four, but Benoit counters it into the Crossface and Flair taps out. Flair is now eliminated from the match.

Orton gets in and stomps away at Benoit. Orton punches Benoit repeatedly in the face and stomps on him some more. He hits a leg drop and goes for a pin, but Benoit is able to get to the ropes. Orton punches Benoit and knees him in the gut. The two begin to exchange blows and Benoit tries for the rolling Germans, but Orton blocks the second one. Benoit tosses Orton into the ref and then tries to put Orton in the Sharpshooter, but Triple H gets involved only to be met with a German suplex. Benoit manages to put Orton into the Sharpshooter and he is clawing his way to the ropes, but after a while, Orton finally decides to tap out to end this rather long match.

Winner: Chris Benoit, Edge, and Chris Jericho

Post-match, Benoit taunts Triple H as we’re finally welcomed to the: