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Blake Griffin's Dunks Are Getting Progressively more Dangerous YouTubeDunking is the defining sign of Blake Griffin's game.The guy went general audience by posterizing a number of centers, she jumped using a car in your only noteworthy dunk challenge of the past five years, and he even laughed about their dunk-centric skillset in a Honda commercial.Employing the last year roughly Griffin's victims own gotten mad, and we have seen a rise in folks hard-fouling him around the rim.A week ago Griffin pulled off a magnificent slam about Pacers center Ian Mahimni. But as he was indeed going up Mahimni had been his flooring and fouled Griffin, distribute him unclearly falling down.If your partner's foot shouldn't break his / her fall, this can certainly have been significantly worse:We saw an even more impressive example of this unique last year when Robin Lopez acquired ejected just for wow power leveling fouling Blake hard:There isn't anything dirty wow power leveling eu on the subject of fouling at fella when he springs up for a dunk. And that's precisely why it's so dangerous for Griffin to stay attempting all these spectacular, posterizing dunks finished bigger foes.NBA facilities hate to have embarrassed, and tend to be going to complete what they is capable of doing keep from currently being the next Timofey Mozgov.Griffin was basically catching players off guard throughout his first few many years in the nba. Now the whole entire NBA understands he wants to make a poster of someone, plus they're prepared to topple him out from the air to prevent it. Blake Griffin's Dunks Are receiving More And More Threatening