2014-07-25 15:45:35wow power leveling 2013

wow power levelingThat's also gross

Something April fishy in Google Nose odor search engine
The nose knows: If only Google Nose were real. (Credit:Google )Hold your nostrils! And behold the olfactory search engine called Google Nose. The service lets you type in keywords for smells like "lemon" or "new car." It's being billed as an "Internet sommelier" with an "Aromabase" of over 15 million "scentibytes." "Street Sense vehicles have inhaled and indexed millions of atmospheric miles," the Google Nose page says. "Android Ambient Odor Detection collects smells via the world's most sensible mobile operating system.""Don't ask, don't smell: For when you're wary of your query--SafeSearch included."OK if that smells like a rotten Easter egg to you, Google Nose is of course something that would come naturally to Pinocchio. Related storiesGoogle declares end of YouTube in April Fool's prankGoogle Tap tries to April fool with Gmail a la Morse codeIt's a decent April Fools' Day prank -- check out the promo video below -- and one that might make you think: what if?Hasn't the Internet been unjustly dominated by visual information for too long? Why can't it wow power leveling convey smells too?Google Nose suggests fictitious technology for getting computers and mobile devices to emit scent, as well as features like AdScent ads for florists and other businesses, scratch 'n sniff e-books, scent captions for YouTube ("oyster sauce with a hint of leather" for a seal video), and "Foodles" instead of doodles. Of course, Nose search results would show you what other users have sniffed. Yes some are pretty gross, like "unattended litter box." But imagine inhaling samples of wine, coffee, chocolate, pizza, or anything you take olfactory delight in. How about your favorite celebrity?That's also gross, but clearly the possibilities safe wow power leveling are endless. How about real estate: Want to buy that Victorian fixer-upper? It seems like a great deal until you inhale the moldy basement. And what if you could go around sampling smells as in the video? You could hit all the neighborhood lampposts and bushes and play them back to your dog. Alas, it is April Fools' Day. But if this scentsational new communications platform were actually real, what would you search for?
Something April fishy in Google Nose odor search engine